Where to buy N95 masks online for the Biden 100 day mask challenge

As his first executive order as the 46th president of the United States of America, Joe Biden implemented the “100 Day Masking Challenge”, a total of 180 of the previous government’s lack of vigilance over mask use to prevent the spread of the mask. COVID-19 . Biden mentioned this initiative for the first time in an interview with CNN last month, where he emphasized that the example must be set from the highest office in the government so that others can follow suit.

Its 100-day challenge includes a standing order that individuals must wear a mask when in federal buildings and on federal land, along with the practice of physical distance and other COVID-19 measures. Understandably, this challenge has its limitations, as it cannot be imposed at the state level. Still, Biden hopes that his first order of business will require state politicians to establish stricter guidelines for wearing masks whenever residents leave their homes.

Why 100 days?

100 day masking challenge

In a 2021 study that looked at the correlation between mask use and physical distance with COVID-19 transmissions, the researchers found that if mask users increased 10% across the United States, the transmission rate would decrease dramatically and promote another curve flattened against the virus.

The Biden government’s 100-day mask challenge is a creative way of dealing with a polarizing debate about mask use. Although it is an executive order, it does not sound much like a directive – especially with the term “challenge” mentioned. Instead, it seems to strongly suggest that you reach 100 days wearing a mask – similar to a 30-day training challenge – to achieve the goal of reducing local COVID-19 transmissions.

It may also have something to do with your first 100 days as president. However, the 100-day challenge is supported by the prevailing scientific consensus that wearing a mask for a long period can prevent you from contracting the virus and protect others from transmission if you are asymptomatic. Biden urges American citizens to diligently mask themselves for just over three months, in the hope of reducing the daily infection rate across the country and relieving pressure on institutions and healthcare professionals.

Where to order face masks

100 day masking challenge

In case you need to stock up for your commitment to Biden’s 100-day mask challenge, here’s where you can order KN95, N95 and 3-layer masks:


SAMTONE disposable KN95 masks are made of a thin and light material that conforms to international KN95 manufacturing standards. Unlike bulky N95 masks, KN95s have a flexible, foldable design that is comfortable to use and easy to store. SAMTONE KN95s are ideal for daily use to protect yourself from viral contaminants, as well as seasonal allergies and pollution.

Order SAMTONE KN95 masks on here.

Medical supplies N95

N95 Medical Supplies is a distributor of a variety of disposable face masks to defend against COVID-19. Choose from N95, KN95 and 3-layer face masks, some of which have packages containing up to 50 pieces to supply you for more than a month. Note that these are disposable masks, so it is highly recommended to dispose of them after use.

Order N95 masks from N95 Medical Supplies on here.

Clinical Supplies

Presented in publications such as Rolling Stone and The Wall Street Journal, Clinical Supplies is a leading supplier of high quality medical supplies, especially the N95 and KN95 masks. Clinical Supplies also distributes 3M disposable masks, especially lines 8210 and 8511, which also have a seal of approval for emergency medical use by healthcare professionals.

Order N95 masks from Clinical Supplies on here.

Well before

Formerly known as Honest PPE Supply, Well Before values ​​honesty and transparency when distributing personal protective equipment (PPE) to essential and non-essential workers. In their mask catalog, they have N95 and KN94 masks from various suppliers, including 3M, Honeywell, Harley, Makrite and Kimberly Clark.

Order N95 masks from long before on here.

Bona Fide Masks

Headquartered in Mount Vernon, NY, Bona Fide Masks sells only FDA-authorized PPEs and is the primary distributor of Powecom KN95 masks in the United States and Canada. Powecom has been approved by the National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory and the CDC for its efficiency in filtering airborne particles with a rating of 95% or more.

Order KN95 masks from Bona Fide Masks on here.

DMB Supply

Also a supply company based in New York, DMB Supply offers N95, KN95 and 3-layer masks, ideal for everyday use. In addition to the mask catalog, DMB also offers a line of disinfectants, face shields, gloves and disinfectant wipes that you can purchase as the pandemic progresses.

Order N95 masks from DMB source on here.

100 day masking challenge


Who said disposable masks have to be boring? MASKC combines fashion and functionality in its 3-layer disposable masks. There is no need to choose green, blue, white or black disposable masks. Choose a multitude of colors, tones and patterns from MASKC, so you don’t feel like you’re sacrificing style for safety – you have both!

Order MASKC disposable masks on here.


As a company run by women and minorities in Los Angeles, CA, masQd is your chic alternative to basic cloth masks. Presented at The Telegraph, GQ, Vogue and Forbes, masQd manufactures high quality fabric masks in attractive prints that make them look more like a safe and fun fashion statement than politics.

Order masQd cloth masks on here.

Evolve together

Do not judge a mask by its cover. Evolve filtering masks together may look like your regular 3-layer disposable masks, but their bacterial filtration efficiency is below standard N95 masks. It is made of breathable and skin friendly material and has been certified by the leading SGS consumer product testing company as a medical grade IIR type face mask.

Order Evolve Together disposable masks on here.

Send us masks

For a reusable and uncomplicated cloth mask, Send Us Masks has two layer masks that can be expanded to add a third layer when a filter is inserted into the pocket. It also has an invisible metal nose piece and adjustable ear loops to ensure your mask fits snugly and comfortably on the bridge of the nose and behind the ears.

Ask for cloth masks at Send Us Masks on here.

Space Mask

With more than 7,000 five-star reviews, Space Mask is considered one of the best-selling reusable masks on the market. At the forefront of Spacemask mask filtration is nanotechnology, which creates a protective barrier on the outermost layer of the mask. This technology also makes the outer layer water-repellent and antibacterial, but still breathable.

Order Space Mask cloth masks on here.

Keep your loved ones, you and your community safe – masks for Biden’s 100-day Mask Challenge!

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