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Your horoscope this week: February 21, 2021

It is the last week of February and the first full week of the Sun’s stay under the Pisces stars. As Mercury ends its retrograde transit, the breakdown of communication is not completely ruled out due to the post-retrograde shadow – and, of course, the fact that Mercury is moving to Pisces, where dictionaries and complete thoughts will drown. Venus, on the other hand, shines brightly in Pisces as it gets closer and closer to the Sun, preparing for a very special full moon in opposition to Virgo on the 27th. Although some of us live in a nation that has no interest in caring for the people who call it home, we can learn from each other how to lead and how to gather resources. It is not a short process and it is not an easy task to unlearn a doctrine based on greed, but with Saturn squaring Uranus throughout the year, it is not a matter of learning how to do it – it is a question of when. Aries Sun and Aries Rising In the words of the great Missy Elliot: “Is it worth it? Let me work on that. I put my thang down, turn and invert. ”This week you will have ample opportunity to discover, Aries, what is worth your energy and great interest. The question is not what you can bring to the table, because you already know that you can – with the right ingredients – set the stage for a real feast. It is about waiting to see what is offered and how it benefits you before defining your offer. And, it’s about being aware of your propensity to sign more checks than you can cash out, both figuratively and literally, and deciding that it’s someone else’s turn to deal. Illustration by Stefhany LozanoTaurus Sun & Taurus RisingSome beliefs we have about ourselves are made from our experiences. Other beliefs were something that we inherited or were taught to believe about ourselves and others like us. These beliefs have rarely been tested because we assume them to be true (certain bodies do not belong to certain spaces, certain genres are better with emotions, etc.). As we age, it becomes more difficult to analyze which of these beliefs are ingrained in truth and which have deep roots. The truth is that, in any case, these are stories we cultivate about ourselves. Stories, dear friend, can change. This week, when you have conclusive and limiting thinking about what you are like, try your best to work to the root. Is it always true? Can you imagine an exception? Illustration by Stefhany LozanoGemini Sun & Gemini RisingJust because things don’t seem to be getting any easier, it doesn’t mean that you’re not getting better at working with them. Sometimes, the flow has less to do with ease and more to recognize and accept the rhythm when the music is playing – even if it is a little faster than you are used to. Whether you expected it or not, you are learning to adapt, and your lessons have served you. This week, when family problems arise, try to see if you are reacting to them differently or if another approach occurs to you. The type of self-observation will help you to mark your inner progress and celebrate your growth. Positive reinforcement works! Illustration by Stefhany LozanoCancer Sun & Cancer RisingI know it can be tempting to stay in your shell and convince yourself that trusting others is not worth the impossible expectations they may have from you. It is true that crabs can be solitary or collective creatures, but, dear Cancer, you are much more likely to prosper in collaboration. Developing new relationships and deepening existing ones gives you the opportunity to share your growth and, by sharing it, to find support for it. This week, try your best to realize when the fear of being judged badly or mistreated gets in the way of your deep desire to connect with people and share your work. To operate on the basis of fear is to limit what you are able to do for yourself and others. Illustration by Stefhany LozanoLeo Sun and Leo Rising Sometimes, what looks safe is not what you need to feel good. Many animals retreat when they are overwhelmed or need to rest. When the objective is to reload, it is advisable to do whatever is necessary to fill the well and meet only what is absolute. After all, energy is a vital force, and reserves cannot be used forever. This type of retreat, especially in difficult times, makes sense as an act of self-support. But, Leo, you thrive when you take a risk and go beyond your comfort zone. Pushing yourself beyond the familiar allows you to access your confidence and self-esteem. This week, challenge yourself to incorporate something that makes you a little nervous / excited in your schedule. Big or small, it will make a difference. Illustration by Stefhany LozanoVirgo Sun & Virgo RisingSometimes, knowing who we are is not something we can do on our own. Although the hermitage, self-inquiry and therapy can teach us to recognize our own patterns of thinking and being, only relationships can teach us about the ways in which we connect with other people. The secret is to stay focused on how you communicate, react and respond; watching when you feel comfortable to express yourself freely and when you feel the need to be on guard. This week, try your best to realize these things in the interactions you have with other people, whether they are lovers, close friends or acquaintances. Observe with curiosity, not self-judgment – as if you are studying the behaviors of a gentle creature who has not yet fully understood. Illustration by Stefhany LozanoLibra Sun & Libra Rising In times like these, dear Libra, we really have to take our joys wherever we can. Sure, there is work to be done and commitments to keep, but if you don’t know how to reward yourself, what will get you to the finish line? And it is not your fault if what once brought you joy arouses an emotion that now seems muffled. There is no moral flaw if your concerns seem out of sync with the world around you. I know you like to practice what you preach, but some parts of ourselves are just for us to understand – and nobody else. There is no right way to access pleasure, no right way to reward. There is just what feels right to you at the moment – and the fact that you deserve a moment for yourself. Illustration by Stefhany LozanoScorpio Sun & Scorpio RisingWhat we owe to our collective changes because the collective changes – and also the needs contained therein. You arrive one day with first aid kits and what you need are raincoats; you come back with a raincoat and you have leftovers, so you leave your offer and look for another hole to plug. All of this seems logical and acceptable – one can hardly expect something alive to be stagnant and predictable. Do you think it is possible, Scorpio, to approach other living structures with the same level of grace? Can you work your way from “my community needs something else” to “my role in my friend’s life is changing” to “I can’t have the same expectations of myself now as I had last March”? You like challenges, don’t you? Take a chance. Illustration by Stefhany LozanoSagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising It may seem counterintuitive, but sometimes, when we feel more distant from the self that we recognize, we are closer to understanding the self that we are becoming. Part of that experience is the ability to recognize that, although we may feel uncomfortable, we are not exactly a fish out of water. In fact, although the water may be rough, there is something satisfying about swimming, some pride that we didn’t expect to feel. These types of exploitation often occur in difficult times, when we must use our resources and our limits are tested, we find that we are more powerful than we allow ourselves to believe. As the water calms down and fate comes into view, there is the job of integrating who you are now with your idea of ​​yourself. How will you start the task? Illustration by Stefhany LozanoCapricorn Sun & Capricorn RisingThere are so many things that one person can do to satisfy everyone else. And it takes a toll, doesn’t it? The measurement and the square, the feeling that no matter how clearly you can see the beam, it will move the moment you get close to it. What if this week, you put your satisfaction before any other obligations? Don’t stop at the agreements you have made with other people – other people have nothing in all the ways that you get in your own way. If there is an ancestor you are supposed to disappoint, a promise you made when you didn’t have all the information, a gospel that you are more than ready to reinterpret in your favor, go ahead and get a little wild. Stefhany LozanoAquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising Whether you are aware of it or not, the ways in which you managed to occupy space in the world began to transform your relationship with him. There is a silent feedback loop that provides valuable data about who you are and how you are received, data that until now were too narrow to provide any useful conclusions; data that until now may have been susceptible to the prejudices of their education. The set is getting bigger and your interpretations can rely less on what has been taught and more on what you know to be true for you. If you had doubts about your qualifications, your doubts are ready to be resolved. If you are ready to change your relationship with wealth, then wealth is ready to change your relationship with you. Illustration by Stefhany LozanoPisces Sun and Pisces Rising Being good in relationships doesn’t mean what you can do for others, especially if what others need goes against what you need. At some central level, you know it and have always known it. But it can be difficult to maintain what you know when you are against someone else’s beliefs about love and care. It’s not that you get carried away by other people’s expectations, it’s just that the practice of being open to other points of view can lead to uncertainty about how much you still trust yours. While this week may give you many reasons to doubt your right to say no, you will find that instead of negotiating a way to avoid setting limits, setting a temporary limit will do much more to resolve your concerns than to ignore them. .Illustration by Stefhany LozanoHow do you see? How about a little more R29 goodness, right here? 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