What the elimination of Adobe Flash means for some photographers

This should not come as a big surprise, as Adobe has been sending out warnings for quite some time. However, some photographers have become attached to the older technology and will need to make changes immediately.

The time has come to finally give Adobe Flash a rest. The browser plug-in, famous for its rich animations and interactivity at the beginning of the web, no longer exists. Launched in 1996, Flash was instrumental in streaming videos and online games at that time. It wasn’t long before creatives, like artists and photographers, started taking advantage of the platform to build interactive sites to showcase their work.

Unfortunately, Flash struggled to keep up with the changing needs of modern users. Plagued by security problems and struggling to transition to the smartphone era, it really was the beginning of the end for the platform. As of December 31, 2020, Adobe has stopped providing security updates or patches and all major web browsers have prevented Flash from working for its users. Even those with the standalone version of Adobe Flash are on loan, as the two-week grace period from the original cut-off date will cause the official program to stop operating on January 12, 2021.

What do I need to do to make sure I’m still using Flash?

If your web browser is up to date, you will have nothing to worry about, as they have probably been blocking Flash content for you by default for quite some time. You can check if this is the case by visiting this page, which can tell you whether Flash is installed on your computer or enabled in your browser. Adobe has also provided instructions for removing Flash on Windows and Mac if you have the standalone version on your computer.

And the photographers who still use it on their websites?

This will probably only apply to a few people out there, but if you’re still using Flash on your site, it won’t work now. Believe it or not, I know some dinosaur photographers who still have Flash-based portfolio sites. It is probably no surprise to know that these people don’t update their websites so often! The problem for them now is that the few potential customers and customers who could see your old sites will now be greeted with a blank screen, a blocked content message or a 404 error, none of which will help them work or make sales.

If you used Flash to create an interactive work of art, one way to keep the site alive is to record the experience with screencasting software and upload the video somewhere like YouTube. It won’t be the same experience users have had in the past, but it is a way for the work to continue to exist online. If you were to follow this path, you would have to hurry, as the standalone version of Flash will stop working on January 12, 2021. After that date, it will be much more difficult to make any documentation.

Life after Adobe Flash

For those who want to revive the nostalgia of Flash, there are projects like BlueMaxima FlashPoint and Ruffle Player that try to keep the platform alive. But for photographers who want to reach as many people as possible with their work, it is best to leave the past behind and embrace the more universally available options. If you need to build a brand new website, I suggest you look in places like WordPress, Wix and Squarespace. These companies have ready-to-use website templates that work across all devices and require little effort to keep them up to date. You can probably find some models that look like a 90s Flash-based site, but with all the future-proof compatibility for the modern day.

So, there you have it, the end of Adobe Flash. If you are a certain age, you will probably have many fond memories of how it transformed the Internet into what we know today. This is not the first and will not be the last software that will become obsolete. For photographers, it is vital to stay on top of developments, as our websites are our calling card for clients and potential customers. Anything that prevents these people from seeing our work can only be bad for business.

Main image of Hatice EROL, used under Creative Commons.
