What is fasting on the water? Everything you need to learn about the benefits and drawbacks of this diet

Although there is no easy way to get in shape, it is essential to follow a good diet and make the necessary lifestyle changes to lose weight. Fasting, as a way of restricting food intake, is another commonly used food tactic to lose weight. Not only is it an extremely popular plan, but it also has many benefits traditionally guaranteed.

Among that, fasting on the water is another popular plan that has come into focus in recent years as a weight loss strategy. Simply as the name suggests, this type of fasting regime involves fasting, restricting anything and everything except the water itself.

The regime was also supported by many celebrities and influencers, which increased its popularity on social media.

According to many, fasting in water speeds up weight loss considerably and can even help a person lose pounds surprisingly quickly.

But even if fasting for long hours, just surviving on water actually promotes weight loss, is it totally safe to follow this diet? Is there any long-term benefit or is it just a fad diet? Here is an explainer about the same.

What does water fasting mean for weight loss?

The researchers said that experimenting with water fasting can sometimes be a good way to increase fat loss. This type of fasting basically involves a prolonged period of time when a person stops eating and has only water instead.

Although technically there is no set time limit for how long a person should fast in this way, experts suggest that a period of 24 hours to 3 days is the maximum that a person could actually go without eating. Many popular detox diets, like lemon cleansing, are also designed in the same way.

In addition to weight loss, there can be a number of reasons why an individual may want to give water fasting a chance – be it spiritual, religious or seek mental clarity. Fasting in the water also finds space along with meditation in many therapeutic and wellness institutes today.

A scheduled medical procedure may also require many to go without food and fast with water.

Over the years, fasting in the water has also been the subject of many studies and research. Although the evidence for it is not yet infallible, investigations have found that fasting in water can have surprising health benefits, as well as:

– Reducing the risk of diabetes

– Prevent certain types of cancer

-Reduction of heart problems
-Promotion of autophagy

– Control of high blood pressure and cholesterol

-Help alleviate some neurological problems

However, for those who support it, the maximum benefits lie for those looking to lose weight. We tell you how

How does this promote weight loss?

One of the main reasons why people follow fasting with water is to see an improvement in their health and vital signs. Weight loss, as a benefit, occurs quickly in this regime, because, in fasting, the body does not have any form of carbohydrate to count in terms of energy. In the absence of it, the body uses the stored fat to generate fuel and, as a result, the fats are eliminated.

Another way that fasting in water can help you lose weight is by getting you to autophagy more quickly. Autophagy is a bodily process when old, often toxic cells are destroyed or repaired.

Furthermore, as this would also be a period when you will not eat anything processed, high in carbohydrates or calories, you are ultimately helping your body to eat (or drink) cleanly. Essentially, water is a calorie-free drink.

What to expect and how to do it

People who practice fasting in the water usually do so without prior consultation. If you are a beginner, it can be helpful to “prepare” your body before the actual fast, reducing or eating a minimum of food for 2 to 3 days. Fasting part of the day or eating small portions can help you do this.

According to studies, fasting with water done the right way can help you lose up to 0.9 kilos a day on an empty stomach.

If you are following a 24-72 hour water fast, you can only have water and nothing else. Drinking 2-3 liters of water is sufficient.

Try and eat well before the start of the fast, so as not to feel too hungry. Stock up on energy-rich and protein-rich foods.

Since this makes a drastic difference to your normal diet plan, it is important to restrict your activities, as you may feel weak or dizzy.

Post breaking your fast, it is also essential to follow some rules. Since your body may not be used to having something nutrient-dense or heavy, try to eat something smaller, easier to digest, and slowly introduce regular, larger meals. This will also allow you to make the most of your fast.

Is it safe to follow the water quickly?

A fast with water greatly restricts your calorie intake and thus helps you lose weight.

However, it must be remembered that even if you lose pounds considerably, many of them can be water weight or muscle mass. Therefore, fasting in water, unlike other forms of fasting, may not be beneficial if it is tried in the long run or has the same results.

There are also some other security issues that are worth knowing. In fact, what can shock many is that a complete fast of water can even leave you dehydrated, since much of our water intake comes from the food we eat. You may experience dizziness, tiredness, irritability and also run the risk of passing out.

People who are fasting with water are also at risk for orthostatic hypotension, where blood pressure drops quite suddenly. It can also worsen the health conditions of those who have underlying problems, even if followed by a shorter period.

Who shouldn’t do this?

Fasting, even with all the benefits for weight loss and others for health, is not entirely free from disadvantages. That said, an extreme form of fasting, such as surviving on water alone, should not be attempted if:

-You are under 18 / over 70

-They are underweight

-Is pregnant
– Currently breastfeeding

– Suffer from an eating disorder

-I have heart problems

-Complications related to type 1 diabetes

-Being blood transfused

-They are taking specific medication

The final result

Trying to water fast for weight loss can definitely help speed up the process, but it doesn’t come without its set of risks and disadvantages.

On the one hand, fasting in the water can be intense, physically and mentally tiring. It may also not be suitable for someone who has pre-existing illnesses. Extending the fast for more than 3 days can also make you subject to medical complications. Try to see a doctor before trying.

If you want to reap the benefits of fasting for weight loss, more holistic ways, such as intermittent fasting and fasting on alternate days, may be the best options to consider.
