We tried Peeps Pepsi and it tasted like Easter treat

Maybe you’ve heard of a little thing called Pepsi with a Peeps flavor? Which, as you may also know, is not called “Peepsi”. When this viral collaboration was announced yesterday, people kind of got lost, so when we had a chance to try it for ourselves, we knew we had to share our findings with all of you. It turns out that the drink tastes just as you would expect … but, somehow, it is still extremely disconcerting.

We should start this analysis by saying that you can’t actually buy cans of these things in stores. You will have to win the Pepsi and Peeps draw to get one. So, in case you don’t try it for yourself, consider me your guide to find out what these things really taste like.

peeps pepsi

Kristin Salaky

The soda comes in three mini cans inspired by the colors of Peeps’ three popular shades: pink, yellow and purple. There is no difference between the cans in terms of flavors, but I found myself opening a can of yellow because it screamed classic Peeps. I was surprised to find that it smelled mainly of typical Pepsi with a touch of sweetness … well, additional sweetness, I think. This makes sense because when you take a sip for the first time, you are hit by an immediate wave of sweet taste, as if you were biting a Peep.

I had a chance to try some of the other limited edition Pepsi flavors in the past few months, like Apple Pie and Hot Cocoa, and it had a similar vibe. It was marshmallow-y (obviously!), Sweet (obviously !!), and it still had a lot of Pepsi’s trademark flavor. Basically, the taste is exactly what you are probably imagining when you hear about Peeps Pepsi … as if they melted one of those iconic girls and mixed it with glue. But somehow, when I was drinking, I just couldn’t wrap my brain around it. How did they taste like that ?? Why does it exist? They exist in reality Melted peeps here? And also maybe Lucky Charms marshmallows ?? The world may never know.

Although I am all in favor of a crazy food combination, this is one that I probably won’t drink every day just because it is SO sweet. But, like dropping the entire ear of a rabbit cake at Easter, it’s fun to have some seasonal foods when they pop up, even if they’re a little too much for your taste buds. At the very least, you will have many bragging rights.

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