Watch Tesla’s Full Self-Driving sail from SF to Los Angeles with (almost) no help

It is a remarkable achievement for technology that is still difficult and, despite the name, does not allow you to take your hands off the wheel. At the same time, it is also an indication of how far technology needs to go before making Elon Musk’s robot taxi dreams come true.

To begin with, the Whole Mars Catalog took control close to the rubble, as they did not fully rely on Full Self-Driving to react properly – this is not the kind of confidence needed for a truly uninterrupted ride. There was also some erratic behavior on the track around San Francisco’s Market Street that wasn’t very comforting. We add that California’s hottest climate is ideal for Tesla’s camera-based technology. It can face a much more difficult challenge in the snow, where LiDAR and other sensors may be needed to avoid collisions. In other words, it may take a while before you can simply assume that the FSD is ready to handle a journey from city to city in your part of the world.
