Watch teen mom Cheyenne Floyd reveal baby sex # 2

Cheyenne Floyd the new year is starting with a bang.

On Friday, January 1, the OG teen mom star went to social media and shared a big update on her second pregnancy. With the help of her loved ones, Cheyenne was ready to reveal the sex of her baby. Please drum the drums! MTV star and boyfriend Zach Davis are expecting a boy!

“I may still be in shock from having a boy,” said the reality show personality on Instagram, next to a video. “Happiness is an understatement to try to explain how we feel. My family and I are overjoyed !! Ryder he wanted a little brother and swears he knew all along. I know she is going to be an amazing big sister. Mom and Dad love you and I can’t wait to meet you. “

The big announcement comes less than three weeks after Cheyenne confirmed that she is pregnant with her second child. She is already the proud mother of daughter Ryder, 3, with ex Cory Wharton.

“We are extremely blessed and honored that this little boy chose us as his parents,” wrote Cheyenne on Instagram when confirming the news for the first time. “We prayed for this moment and we wanted to hold on as long as we could. The past few months have changed my life in the best way possible. Ryder is too excited to be a big sister again and is already overprotective about my collision.”
