WATCH: Conor Gallagher assists Mbaye Diagne’s goal against Manchester United

Conor Gallagher, currently on loan from Chelsea to West Bromwich Albion, who disputed the Premier League relegation, had a great assist today with a beautiful and curved first-time ball for Mbaye Diagne in the 2 minute game against Manchester United, which the last one was converted.

Although officially this was Gallagher’s first assist this season, with two goals, he was undoubtedly one of West Brom’s best players, under the command of Slaven Bilić and now also Sam Allardyce.

Although the Baggies were unable to maintain their initial leadership, they still struggled to a point against our four main rivals. The singular point won may not make much difference in the fight to relegate West Brom – they, along with Sheffield United and Fulham, are already too far away! – but the two points lost by Manchester United could have a major impact on the battle for qualification for the Champions League. If Chelsea win tomorrow, we will be only 4 points behind second place!

Very well, Conor!
