WATCH: Biden’s press secretary confirms that Hunter has a 10 percent stake in the Chinese company

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White House press secretary Jen Spaki confirmed to the media on Friday that President Joe Biden’s son Hunter still held 10 percent of the shares of a company with ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

“He has been working to undo his investments, but I would certainly recommend him – he is an ordinary citizen – would recommend you to him or his outside lawyers in any update,” said Psaki.

Hunter’s dealings with China became an electoral problem last October, after Hunter’s emails revealed that then-nominated Democrat and former Vice President Joe Biden received a payment from the Chinese firm.

An email, dated May 13, 2017 and obtained by Fox News, reveals more details about Biden’s payment, including “compensation packages”.

The email identified Hunter Biden as “President / Vice President, depending on the agreement with CEFC”, in a reference to the now bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co.
