Washington Post adds extensive correction to report on Trump’s connection with Georgia election pollster

The Washington Post added a long correction to a bombshell report from early January that said that then-President TrumpMorning report from Donald TrumpThe Hill – Presented by Facebook – Biden to hit the road, tout COVID-19 Oregon Senator takes center stage in the Democratic obstructionist debate Juan Williams: Trump’s jealousies can’t hide his failures MORE told Georgia’s top electoral investigator during a phone call to “find out the fraud” and that they would be “a national hero” if they did.

“Two months after the publication of this story, Georgia’s Secretary of State released an audio recording of President Donald Trump’s call in December with the state’s top election investigator. The recording revealed that the Post misquoted Trump’s comments about the call, based on information provided by a source, “the Post said on Thursday in a 129-word correction published at the top of the story.

“Trump did not tell the investigator to ‘find the fraud’ or said that he would be ‘a national hero’ if he did. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to examine the ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, stating that she would find ‘ dishonesty ‘there. He also told her that she had’ the most important job in the country right now. ‘”

The Post’s headline and story text have been corrected to remove misquoted quotes from Trump, the newspaper said.

The correction comes days after the Wall Street Journal obtained the audio of the December call between Trump and the investigator.

“When the right answer comes, you will be praised,” Trump told Frances Watson, the chief investigator in the office of the Georgia Secretary of State, reported the Journal on Thursday.

Watson would have replied, “I can guarantee that our team and the [Georgia Bureau of Investigation], that we are only interested in the truth and finding information that is based on the facts. “

The original Post report shook the political world just days before the second round of the January 5 election in Georgia, a race that both Republican senators lost, giving Democrats a majority in the upper house.

The original Post report was widely covered by many media outlets, including Hill, who also updated his report on Trump’s call.

During his last weeks in office, Trump has repeatedly stated that he only lost the election due to widespread electoral fraud and pointed to places like Fulton County, Georgia, as examples of a “rigged” election against him.

Georgia’s electoral authorities dismissed these allegations after conducting several investigations and audits of the results of the November state elections.
