Washington Monument closed “until further notice” due to Covid-19

The monument had been closed since January 11 due to security concerns after the January 6 uprising on the United States Capitol and the then inauguration day.

“The National Park Service will monitor public health conditions in the Washington, DC area, as well as the opening status of other nearby tourist attractions, and will reopen the Washington Monument and other indoor park facilities as soon as it considers it safe to do so. , “said Park Service in the statement. The reopening date has not yet been set.

The monument was closed in March, along with a handful of DC landmarks on the pandemic, before reopening again in October, although another brief closure took place in December.
There have been 870 deaths from Covid in Washington, DC, since last January. In the US, Covid-19 killed at least 416,907 people and infected about 25 million, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

This newest closure comes under the new Biden administration, which generally takes a totally different approach to coronavirus preventive measures compared to the Trump administration.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden used his first full day in office to reveal his national pandemic strategy, which included the signing of several executive actions.

“Our national strategy is comprehensive, it is based on science, not politics. It is based on truth, not denial, and it is detailed,” said Biden, speaking of the White House. The Biden government’s 198-page plan is published at WhiteHouse.gov.
