Warzone Leak suggests that these two OP weapons can generate a Nerf today

After the integration of Black Ops with the Cold War, two new weapons from the war zone became dominant in Battle Royale. However, a new leak from Warzone suggests that the two OP weapons may have a nerf today.

Playing Warzone now, players will encounter the same weapons over and over again. You will barely go five minutes without finding a squad wielding some of the Cold War’s most powerful weapons.

Although a wide variety of weapons are available to all players, it seems that the current target revolves entirely around two OP Warzone weapons. It is not difficult to see why Modern Warfare players are irritated by the inclusion of the Cold War.

Warzone Most OP Guns
(Source: Activision)

But with such a clear difference in power between the Cold War and Modern War armaments, these new additions quickly became the best weapons in the war zone.

More OP weapons from the war zone

We are referring, of course, to the Mac-10 and the DMR 14. If you’ve been away from Warzone for a while, the Mac-10 is now the king of Warzone.

It is insane how much damage the fast-firing SMG can do, and the weapon is capable of tearing enemies like tissue paper. But the new Cold War First Season unlock is also much better than you’d expect from a distance.

Cold War Mac-10
(Source: Activision)

Using the Mac-10’s best war zone loading, players are able to hit their medium to long-range shots with decent accuracy. Of course, the gun works best at close range, but it is useful to have it by your side in any situation.

Meanwhile, the most OP weapon in Warzone is now clearly the DMR 14. This tactical rifle is a great cause of damage and has almost no recoil to hold it.

DMR-cold war-war zone
(Source: Activision)

Especially by using the best DMR 14 loadout in Warzone, players are able to destroy enemy squads with just a few bullets.

In fact, angry players already claim that DMR 14 is ruining the war zone. The weapon is certainly more than a little broken, with a new insane DMR clip highlighting why it is Warzone’s best weapon.

Mac-10 and DMR 14 Nerf coming later today?

Fortunately, the brief reign of the Mac-10 and DMR 14 may already be coming to an end. According to new reports, the nerf for most Warzone OP weapons may be arriving today.

This new intelligence is courtesy of the trusted Warzone leaker ModernWarzone on twitter. The user claims to have heard many rumors about a DMR and a Mac nerf falling at the end of the day.

However, it is important to note that the user also states that “he has not yet heard this from any noteworthy source”.

If true, this news will certainly make many players in the war zone very happy. But we also hope that the weapons do not completely bury themselves in the ground.

Although Warzone is a mess now, the new weapons are a breath of fresh air for the real battle. What’s more, the DMR 14 and Mac-10 are really fun to use, even without their incredible potential for destruction.

If you are switching from a newly nerfed tactical rifle, we recommend this superpowered weapon as the best DMR replacement.

In another recent news, Soap MacTavish is finally coming to Warzone in a new update. However, fans already hate Soap’s new look in Modern Warfare.
