Warner Bros. Elaborating New Talent Deals to Compensate HBO Max’s Launch Plan

According to several reports, Warner Bros. is working on deals for new payments to filmmakers and their teams because of the studio’s unprecedented move to make all 17 of its films released in 2021 theaters simultaneously available for an exclusive one-month window on HBO Max. HBO Max’s streaming fees and, as stated by Bloomberg, will “guarantee payment regardless of box office sales and increase the chances of performance-based bonuses.”

According to the Bloomberg article, “Anyone entitled to a bonus will receive one for half of the box office revenue that would normally be needed to trigger a payment. And if more cinemas close, the limit will drop further – a stipulation called the ‘Covid-19 multiplier’. “

“Those who would normally participate in box office profits will continue to do so, as well as benefit from on-demand and on-demand sales.”

Cast, crew and profit participants will be paid the fee that HBO Max will pay Warner Bros. through the “31-day window” of a given movie.

2021 Film Preview

This new payment structure may work to appease monetary complaints, but it is unlikely to assuage the creative objections raised by directors like Christopher Nolan and Denis Villeneuve de Dune, since the latter accused Warner Bros. of not having “love for cinema” and The former called HBO Max “the worst streaming service”.

Now, according to THR, Godzilla vs. Legendary’s Kong, which will be released on HBO Max and in theaters on May 21, is at the center of current negotiations.

According to Forbes, Warner Bros. recently blocked a deal that would allow Legendary to sell the movie to Netflix for $ 225 million just before the announcement that the studio’s 2021 movie list would go to HBO Max.In other streaming news, Marvel’s Moon Knight series, which will air on Disney +, has just added two directors, while Roku officially acquired Quibi’s content library, less than three months after the entertainment streaming service of reduced size shut down.
