WandaVision did not keep secret spoilers from the cast

Marvel Studios has become known for keeping secrets. This often means preventing surprises and spoilers from leaking out to the public. Sometimes, to ensure this, creative teams hide information from their cast members. In the cases of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, it became a common joke that the cast had so little information about the films for scenes in which they were not involved. In the case of the Phase 4 launch title WandaVision, Marvel Studios seems to have relaxed a little. The cast members seem to be aware of the series’ history from start to finish!

Randall Park joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Jimmy Woo in Ant Man. He was removed from the big two Avengers films, but reprized the role with WandaVisionthe fourth episode of and will return to see more as the season progresses. Despite arriving late, Park received the full download of the full WandaVision arc since the jump.

“The first meeting I had with Jac Schaeffer, the lead editor, was after I obviously found out they were interested in having Jimmy Woo back,” Park explained in an interview with ComicBook.com. “And I said, ‘Yes’, immediately, you know. ‘No doubt.’ And then they called me to explain the show to me, the idea. And I was amazed. They practically conceptualized this thing from the beginning. The sitcom elements, all of that. That anomaly in Westview. I mean all of those things were practically there. So for me, it was just a meeting, sitting in that conference room being told essentially the whole story, it was really mind-blowing. “

Kat Dennings, who repeated the role of Darcy Lewis for the first time since Thor: The Dark World, joined WandaVision in the same episode as Park. “It was interesting because you know that there are almost no examples of actors being able to choose a character eight years later, regardless of how many years it was,” explained Dennings. ‘So it was very rewarding and fun for me. I was not sure what they would do. And then hearing that she was in college all the time becoming a scientist, I mean, it was just a dream. “

Dennings had a similar integration process for WandaVision where the creatives behind the series’s story explained everything to her on the first day. “I was shocked to receive the episodes. We read them. We did table readings like a normal program,” explained Dennings. “So, I had all the scripts and I was just as shocked as you are.”

Still, Dennings voluntarily took the approach that Infinite War and Endgame the actors had no choice but to follow. “I separated my things just because the sheer volume of things to take to work in the morning anyway, you know, you can’t leave the script pages in your hotel room. This is another no-no for Marvel, ”says Dennings. “So, you have to make everything work, which is smart. So, yes, I just did my lines after a while and everything Darcy knew, and then I forgot the rest, just because it helps me not to be overwhelmed too many secrets here talking to you in the future. “

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