Wait, so Jane Krakowski dated the guy MyPillow or what?

Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

On Thursday, the Daily Mail published what seemed at first glance a specific script for Tina Fey’s defunct NBC comedy 30 Rock but it turned out to be a real – albeit largely unfounded account: he claimed that Jane Krakowski, the actress who played the self-obsessed actress Jenna Maroney in 30 Rock, briefly dated Mike Lindell, Trump’s lover and MyPillow’s defending martial law CEO.

Excuse me what?

Although I knew who these two people were separately, the act of trying to imagine them together in a room, or even just thinking about them in quick succession, required my brain to form entirely new neural pathways, a physically and mentally strenuous process that left me dizzy.

This was, it seemed, a common reaction:

According to one of the Daily Mailunidentified sources from, Krakowski and Lindell’s nine-month romance was an “open secret” in the West Village and “surprised many of Jane’s friends because she is an icon in the gay community, but here she is dating one of the greatest friends of Trump business sponsors. “

Another source, who spoke “on condition of anonymity”, said that Lindell courted Krakowski by sending “flowers for her almost every week and champagne and bottles of different alcoholic drinks”.

Perhaps the article’s wildest claim is that Krakowski is partly to blame for Lindell’s further descent into the world of MAGA conspiracy theories. (On Monday, voting machine maker Dominion Voting Systems threatened to sue Lindell for participating in a “wide-ranging and coordinated disinformation campaign” about the integrity of the 2020 election, a process Lindell told CBS News that he “would welcome. “.) As a source I put it:” Perhaps if they had stayed together, he would have focused on Jane, instead of trying to question the election result and advise President Trump on martial law. “

Take it all with a healthy pinch of salt. When asked to comment by Daily Mail, Krakowski said he had never met the irregular pillow seller, and Lindell replied, “Never heard of Jane Krakowski ???”
