Video shows the Mafia’s desire to find and harm Mayor Pelosi

Senate tv
Senate tv

New video presented during today’s impeachment trial shows protesters’ desire to find and attack Mayor Nancy Pelosi.

“They sought out the mayor and his office, publicly declared their intention to hurt or kill her, looted his office and terrorized his team,” said Stacey Plaskett, impeachment manager for the Chamber, adding “and they did it because Donald Trump sent them on this mission. “

After Pelosi was removed from the House plenary on January 6, “the Capitol police considered the threat so dangerous that it evacuated it entirely from the Capitol complex,” added Plaskett.

Plaskett shared social media content posted by one of the protesters to emphasize the rebels’ efforts to locate and harm the mayor.

“The first of us who went up the stairs kicked Nancy Pelosi’s office door and pushed the corridors towards her inner sanctuary, the crowd howling with rage. ‘Crazy Nancy’ probably would have been torn into small pieces, but she wasn’t nowhere, “said Plaskett, reading William Calhoun’s Facebook account.

Calhoun, a lawyer from Georgia, has already been charged with his role in the January 6 uprising.

As Plaskett continued her presentation, she offered a new video of the crowd and its violent attempts to locate President Pelosi.

“Where are you, Nancy? We’re looking for you!” mutineers screamed as they watched the video. “She’s here,” shouted one man, followed by another:

“Nancy? Oh, Nancy? Nancy, where are you, Nancy?”

Watch here:
