Van Morrison challenging the ban on live music in Northern Ireland’s pandemic

Van Morrison has been a vocal critic of the UK’s blocking policies, posting statements against “pseudo-science” and launching a series of anti-blocking singles (including one with Eric Clapton). Now how The Irish Examiner reports, he is trying to launch a lawsuit against the ban on live music in Northern Ireland.

As with most countries around the world, Northern Ireland has restrictions on avoiding major meetings during this devastating pandemic. But Van Morrison, in new paper submitted to Irish courts, argues that the country’s general ban on all live music is untenable and is not based on reliable scientific evidence. (Morrison was harping at this point on Twitter for months.) Northern Ireland is currently in a six-week block after an increase in cases; previously, some venues could open, but live music was not yet allowed.

Like Rolling Stone reports, Van Morrison’s lawyers filed a “letter of pre-action protocol” with the Department of Health “challenging the general ban on live music [and] giving them 21 days to respond. ”If they do not respond after that time, a representative said Rolling Stone that they “would sue immediately to the High Court.”

Good luck with that, Van Morrison.
