Valve’s Steam data for December points to a big drop for Linux Gaming Marketshare


Valve has just published its Steam Survey numbers for December 2020 and it is a big disappointment for Linux players if the numbers are really accurate.

According to Valve’s published figures, Linux’s market share on Steam accounted for just 0.57%, or a 0.33% drop from the previous month. The December 2020 figures show that Windows increased by just over 1.6%, while macOS lost 1.31% market share to 2.14%. These numbers are a big surprise for Linux and macOS games.

It is possible that these numbers are slightly wrong, as we have seen many times in the past, where Valve subsequently revises its numbers based on various explanations. But it is also possible that there was in fact a big increase in Windows players around the holidays and several sales of games, etc. There are also some who continue to doubt Valve’s Steam Survey techniques, among other concerns.

But in any case, being previously at 0.9% and hoping to break the 1.0% limit soon for Steam Linux games, at this point the numbers are a disappointment for non-Windows players.

So, at least from the Steam Survey results published now, the Linux market share has dropped back to 0.57% after seeing a steady increase since the introduction of Steam Play (Proton) to allow for many more games on Linux .
