Valorant devs confirm changes to Astra skills already underway

Astra has just been revealed as the newest agent in Valorant, but Riot Games has confirmed that changes are already underway to reduce its controversial skills.

After weeks of provocations, Astra was finally blocked as 15th Valorant Agent in February 27. THE unique character comes with an unprecedented mix of smoke and stunning skills, along with one of the latest jaw-dropping ultimates in the game.

Although it has just been revealed, the community has had a strong reaction to your kit. By placing his ‘Stars’ around the map or using his ultimate, Astra enters his ‘Astral Form’.

In doing so, she gets an overhead view of the map and can fly to any location.

To balance this, Astra should not see anything of value while in this form, similar to the shadow form of the omen. However, one area appears to have been overlooked in development and Riot is already working on major changes.

During the first playtests, content creators contacted the 15th Agent to test their skills in action. Throughout this initial access, many have discovered the fact that Astra can see Spike while in astral form.

This may not seem like a big deal at first. Although Astra can get surprisingly invaluable information just by floating close to Spike. As enemies disarm or pretend to disarm, Astra can see progress all the time.

In a real game, this provides free information and lets teammates know if enemies are attacking the tackle or bait, for example. “It’s so broken, ”said Mike ‘shroud’ Grzesiek in response to Astra’s powerful astral form.

“If Astra is actually released tomorrow, it will be very bad. If Astra comes out in its current state tomorrow, there will be no change; she will be caught. The fact that you can see this is so great. That has to change for sure. “

With many others echoing this sentiment, Riot is already well aware of the problem. In fact, the changes are already underway before the launch of Astra on active servers.

“We don’t like this behavior and we are looking for options now,” replied Valorant developer ‘Altombre’ on Reddit.

“I’m not sure how easy / difficult it would be to change that, since I’m not an engineer, so I can’t make promises on time, but we are not fans of this behavior and we are seeing what we can do.”

So, while an exact correction is not yet in place, it is clear that we can expect the Astral Form to be nerfed in the coming days or weeks.

Simply removing her ability to see Spike’s unarmed progress could keep her more aligned with other Controller type agents in Valorant.

For now, however, Astra will be available for everyone to use in its current form.

If you are planning to pretend with a touch of Spike in your next game, be extremely cautious if an enemy Astra is still alive.
