Valheim Update: dedicated server updates and wolves are less likely to make babies

A new patch is now available for the Nordic multiplayer game Valheim. Among a handful of minor changes, he makes a big move to dedicated servers and also adjusts the game’s balance so that the wolves are less excited.

Starting with dedicated servers, this new update means that dedicated servers now always use direct connections instead of using the Steam Datagram Relay (SDR) system.

“This should result in much lower latency for most players,” said developer Iron Gate. “I really hope that this patch will solve many of the connection issues introduced in the patches over the past few weeks (due to the switching of the socket backend),” said the studio.

Elsewhere, the March 2 update to Valheim contains a change that makes wolves less likely to mate. The patch notes state that the update “slightly reduced the breeding of wolves”. The developers apparently thought there was something wrong with the wolves making pups more than they should, so the wolves are a little less excited now, to use a phrase borrowed from PCGamer.

The Valheim patch notes also mention some location updates, while the Bonemass enemy’s vomiting effect shouldn’t work properly, thank goodness. You can see the full patch notes below, as posted by Iron Gate on Steam.

Valheim sold more than 4 million copies and reached more than 500,000 simultaneous players on Steam, making it one of the most popular games across the platform. In response to the huge success, developer Iron Gate is expanding its five-person studio.

Valheim March 2 Patch Notes

  • Location updates
  • Made Haldor smoother
  • The interpolation of the object network is ignored if the object is far away, resolved the problem with network players flying through the air when entering dungeons and exiting portals, etc.
  • Added the -public 1/0 flag to the dedicated server again, allows players to host LAN-only local servers
  • Updated IP connection button to allow LAN connections (dedicated servers only) and added DNS support
  • Dedicated servers use direct IP connection instead of SDR, solving problems with slow steam relays in some areas of the world
  • Correction of bone mass vomiting effect
  • Updated PDF manual of dedicated server
  • Prevent collection items when entering portals
  • Wolf procreation decreased slightly
  • Less chance of talking to the boss’s trophy
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Tocando agora: O Guia Viking Valheim para iniciantes

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