Vaccine supply exceeds demand in Bear River Health, Utah County areas

PROOF – Two health departments in Utah warn that they are running out of people eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and that supplies are exceeding current demand.

“In Utah County, we are definitely feeling the slowdown,” said Aislynn Tolman-Hill, a spokeswoman for the Utah County Department of Health. “Each day seems to be another slowdown in seeing this population aged 70 and over signing up for consultations.”

Utah County Department of Health officials worked to fill empty appointments on Friday. Utah Valley Hospital even lifted the residency requirement and did not require an appointment.

“Everyone we receive is one unless they need to apply,” said Tolman-Hill. “So, this is something that definitely concerns us between now and March 1, until that moment when we move on to the next priority population.”

Starting in March, Utah is expected to allow people 65 and older to receive the vaccine.

“We would be absolutely ready to move on to the next priority group sooner if they let us,” said Joshua Greer, a spokesman for the Bear River Department of Health. “We are at that point.”

In addition to Utah County, the Bear River Department of Health, which covers three counties in the northern part of the state, also reported having difficulty attending consultations.

“Our commitments in the last week of February have not yet been fulfilled,” said Greer. “So, we’re in the same boat that Utah County is in.”

On Friday, the Bear River Department of Health had to work quickly to find people who could come to the vaccine clinic, after hundreds did not show up for appointments earlier in the week.

“We took all this vaccine out of the freezer,” said Greer. “It has to be used this week so as not to be wasted.”

In order to fill appointments for the coming weeks, the two health departments hope the public will help spread the word to those over 70 that getting the vaccine has never been easier.

“It is becoming increasingly difficult to find people in this category to sign up and take these doses,” said Greer.

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Ladd Egan

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