Vaccine suppliers accidentally dispensed 2nd dose as 1st dose – CBS Pittsburgh

HARRISBURG (KDKA) – The state says that some suppliers of the COVID-19 vaccine accidentally distributed doses that should be reserved for a second injection.

“In the short term, we are faced with requests for a second-dose Modern vaccine that far exceed the Modern vaccine allocated to the state this week,” said interim Health Secretary Alison Beam.

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This does not affect the Pfizer vaccine.

Beam said that about 200,000 doses of Moderna per second were ordered this week, which is almost the entire weekly allocation of Moderna in the state.

She describes it as a “structural issue” that started in early January and “got worse week after week”. Now the state is addressing this because it has become a very significant issue. Beam said the state is working on a plan to move forward and secure a second dose.

“We are working to resolve this this week. In the next two to three weeks, we will have corrected that, ”she said.

She did not say which providers made the mistake.

“First, we explored the excess inventory not scheduled for management this week and, as far as possible, we used it to solve this problem. Second, one of the remedies includes adjusting the timing of the second dose of Moderna, ”said Beam.

Beam says that all providers will follow CDC guidelines that state that the minimum time between the first and the second injection is 28 days and the maximum is 42 days.

“By extending the time between doses, while remaining within the CDC guidelines, we can minimize any interruption in vaccination with the first dose,” said Beam. “Our goal remains to provide people with extremely limited vaccines and supplies as quickly and efficiently as possible.”

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Beam said there are about 30,000 to 60,000 people who are likely to have to reschedule their second appointments one to two weeks later. As for the first consultations, there could be 30,000 to 55,000 doses that providers hoped would not be administered.

Beam said that anyone who takes the wrong dose does not need to restart the vaccination process.

“There is no difference in the medication in the first and second doses,” said Beam.

The secretary said people should take the second chance at the same location as the first.

Health officials continued to emphasize that supply remains the main problem in sending vaccines.

Allegheny County Health Director Dr. Debra Bogen says she keeps her first and second doses separate. As for other sites, she couldn’t say.

At this point, Dr. Bogen does not have a deadline for when county sites can expand to the entire Phase 1A.

“The past few weeks have focused on people aged 65 and over. About half of our doses have been for people 65 and older so far, ”she said during a news conference on Wednesday.

MOST: COVID-19 vaccine in Pittsburgh: Local providers worry about vaccine distribution amid new state changes

The county health department receives about 10% of the county’s vaccines. Most go to healthcare systems and hospitals.
