Utah reports 12% COVID-19 vaccination rate

SALT LAKE CITY – Utah’s daily COVID-19 case, hospital and death numbers dropped slightly in Saturday’s Utah Department of Health report.

There are 467 confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the total number of infections known in the state since the beginning of the pandemic to 381,254, which represents about 11% of the population. Health officials, however, believe that not all people with symptoms have been tested and not all infected people have symptoms.

More than 1.13 million doses of the vaccine have been administered to people across the state, including 25,861 doses since Friday, reports the health department. This includes 753,804 people who received a dose and 413,058 – or about 12% of the state’s population – who are fully vaccinated.

The state received 1.3 million doses from vaccine manufacturers, a number allocated by the federal government.

COVID-19 vaccines are currently available for Utahns aged 50 and over, as well as for people with an expanded list of medical conditions. Health care professionals, first responders, residents and employees of long-term care facilities and elementary and high school teachers and school staff are also eligible to receive the vaccine.

Earlier this week, Utah Governor Spencer Cox announced that all Utahns aged 16 and over will be eligible to be vaccinated as of Wednesday, March 24, although it may take some time to secure an appointment at the various locations that offer vaccines.

A list of vaccination sites can be found online, at coronavirus.utah.gov/vaccine-distribution.

Of the more than 1 million COVID-19 vaccines administered in Utah, there are 180,113 doses of the Modern vaccine and 203,129 of Pfizer-BioNTech. The health department reports that 29,816 Utahns received the Janssen vaccine, manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, which requires only one dose.

The full effectiveness of the various vaccines is not achieved until about two weeks after the final dose has been administered.

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than 118 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been distributed since December 14, when the first injections were administered.

Since the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine began in the United States on December 14, more than 118 million doses have been administered, fully vaccinating more than 41 million people or 12.6% of the total US population.

The continuous average number of positive tests over seven days is 469 per day, compared to 474 on Friday and 510 per day reported last Saturday. A total of 14,990 tests were administered Friday to 6,451 people. This puts the seven-day continuous average for percent test positivity at 4.1% when all tests are included and 8.1% when multiple tests done by an individual in the past 90 days are excluded – both slightly below reported statistics Friday.

There are 160 people currently hospitalized in Utah with COVID-19, which is 16 less than reported on Friday and 16 more than reported a week ago, according to the health department.

Two more deaths were reported on Saturday, bringing the state’s COVID-19 death toll to 2,060 lives lost since April 2020. These deaths include a Davis County man and a Weber County man, both aged 65 and over. 84 years old and both hospitalized at the time of their deaths.
