Utah Government Governor Cox raises concerns about the bill banning trans youth from school sports

Utah’s conservative Republican governor, Spencer Cox, opposed state legislation on Thursday that would regulate trans youth in school sports and in their doctor’s offices.

HB 302, which would prohibit transgender athletes from competing in school sports, passed the state chamber by 50 votes to 23 earlier this week and will be approved by the state senate.

“It is very important to me that we have a balanced playing field for our women,” said Republican sponsor of the project, Rep. Kera Birkeland, in a Facebook Live video addressing the impact that transgender athletes have on high school sports in other states.

ARCHIVE - In this archival photo of January 8, 2021, Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox speaks during a meeting at the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City.  Cox said on Thursday, February 18, 2021, that he would still not be comfortable signing the current version of a bill that would ban trans girls from female sports, although he continues to talk to sponsors.  (Jeffrey D. Allred / Deseret News, via AP, Pool, File)

ARCHIVE – In this archival photo of January 8, 2021, Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox speaks during a meeting at the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City. Cox said on Thursday, February 18, 2021, that he would still not be comfortable signing the current version of a bill that would ban trans girls from female sports, although he continues to talk to sponsors. (Jeffrey D. Allred / Deseret News, via AP, Pool, File)


But Cox said he hoped for a better solution than a total ban and will meet with Birkeland, who also served as a basketball and football referee at a high school.

“I think there is still a lot that we can do to protect women’s sports and also send a message to trans children that there is a place for them and that they belong,” he said during a televised news conference on Thursday. “And it is very important to me that they know this.”

Then he seemed to choke on the podium.

“These children are – they are just trying to stay alive,” he said. “There is a reason why none of them play sports and … I just think there is a better way. And I hope that there is enough grace in our state to find a better solution.”

Another project, the HB 92, Cox has already threatened to veto. This bill would prevent doctors from prescribing drugs to block puberty and from performing sex reassignment surgery on minors.

“We have to be very, very careful whenever the government stands between doctors, families and patients,” he said.

That bill hit an obstacle on Friday morning in the Chamber’s Health and Human Services Committee anyway and failed to garner support from the panel.

Cox’s opposition to him has earned praise from LGBT rights groups.

“Thank you @GovCox for sending a message of love and hope to these children,” tweeted advocacy group Equality Utah on Thursday. “It was a difficult week.”


Last week, Cox received widespread praise from conservatives after signing legislation that made Utah the last state to legalize the illegal possession of firearms.

Anyone over the age of 21 and legally capable of owning a firearm in the state can carry it in secret in May. Residents who wish to obtain an authorization for the purpose of reciprocity with other states can still obtain it.
