US seizes over a million counterfeit N95 masks

One million counterfeit N95 masks were seized by federal agents on Wednesday as part of a broader investigation of fraud stemming from the global coronavirus pandemic, the head of the Department of Homeland Security announced.

The seizure has brought the total number of fake masks confiscated in recent weeks to more than 11 million, said Alejandro N. Mayorkas, secretary of homeland security, during a news conference.

Mr. Mayorkas appeared beside several boxes of masks that had been seized and marked with the name 3M, the largest American producer of N95s remaining.

Officials said the company was working with investigators to identify sources of fake masks, which originated in China, and that the department hoped to make arrests.

The authorities refused to provide further details about the seizures, citing the continuation of the investigation. They said federal agents had executed search warrants in five states in the past two weeks, but did not identify which ones.

Comfortably fitted N95 masks, which provide 95% efficiency in filtering airborne particles, have become the gold standard for frontline workers in the pandemic. But the intense demand for masks, considered superior to the ubiquitous pleats, gave rise to the production of fake N95 masks.

Steve K. Francis, an assistant director with the Homeland Security Investigations Division of Global Trade, said during the news conference that the sale of counterfeit N95 masks could have deadly repercussions.

“They are extremely dangerous,” said Francis. “They are providing a false sense of security to our top respondents, to American consumers. I cannot emphasize how important it is to ensure that we have the legitimate 3M N95 masks that are being deployed in our first aid. “

He said that buying directly from 3M and the company’s authorized suppliers is safe, but that consumers using external channels can be exposed to fraud.

Mayorkas said the Department of Homeland Security will continue to aggressively pursue criminals who exploit Americans’ vulnerability “for a quick buck.”

“The seizures of these counterfeit surgical masks guarantee the health and safety of our first-rate health professionals, who fight bravely against the pandemic, preventing them from receiving inferior personal protective equipment,” he said.

Mayorkas asked Americans to be wary of claims made by medical supply vendors.

“We just beg the public to learn about websites or individuals who sell products that claim to prevent, treat, diagnose or cure Covid-19,” he said.
