US reveals plan to curb China’s rise from India to Taiwan

Views of the Gate of Heavenly Peace in front of the National People's Congress of China

Photographer: Tomohiro Ohsumi / Bloomberg

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The Trump administration has downgraded its strategy to ensure continued dominance over China, which focuses on accelerating India’s rise as a counterweight to Beijing and the ability to defend Taiwan against an attack.

National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien announced on Tuesday the publication of the document, entitled “U.S Strategic structure for the Indo-Pacific. ”Approved by President Donald Trump in February 2018, it provided” comprehensive strategic direction “for U.S. actions over the past three years and was launched to show the US commitment to” keeping the Indo-Pacific region free and open for a long time in the future, “O ‘Brien said in a statement.

“Beijing is putting increasing pressure on Indo-Pacific nations to subordinate their freedom and sovereignty to a ‘common destiny’ envisaged by the Chinese Communist Party,” O’Brien said in an expanded statement declaration. “The US approach is different. We seek to ensure that our allies and partners – all who share the values ​​and aspirations of a free and open Indo-Pacific – can preserve and protect their sovereignty. “

The document presents a vision for the region where North Korea is no longer a threat, India predominates in South Asia and the United States works with partners around the world to resist Chinese activities to undermine sovereignty through coercion. He assumed that China will take “increasingly assertive” measures to compel unification with Taiwan and warns that its dominance of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, “will pose profound challenges for free societies”.

China said the report “made the ‘China threat’ theory sensational” and showed the United States “was against its own promise on the Taiwan issue”.

“The content only proves the US’s evil motives for containing China and sabotaging regional peace and stability,” Zhao Lijian, spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry, told a news conference on Wednesday. “We need to ensure that Asia-Pacific is a stage for China and the United States to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation. It should not become an arena where a zero-sum game takes place. “

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While the timing of the release just a week before President-elect Joe Biden takes office raises questions about why, the Trump administration’s actions to contain China in Asia have largely enjoyed bipartisan support. Biden officials who entered spoke about the need to work more with allies and partners against China, which is also a key part of the strategy – particularly in strengthening security ties with Australia, Japan and India.
