University of South Carolina publishes early action decisions on December 15 – admissions blog

The University of South Carolina will begin publishing early action decisions on the afternoon of Tuesday, December 15, 2020. Students will receive an email advising them to check their status on the UofSC Admissions Portal when their decisions are published.

Released decisions will include acceptance, postponement and denial. Due to South Carolina’s optional exam admission policy, examining enrollment required more time this year.

Mary Wagner, assistant vice president of enrollment management and executive director of undergraduate admissions at the University of South Carolina informed high school counselors that students admitted through Early Action are “competitive candidates who have above average academic credentials” .

In the meantime, “postponed people will undergo a long review period so that additional factors can be considered, such as personal circumstances, extracurricular activities and personal rehearsal. No additional credentials are required for this review process, as everything we consider is included in the application. “
