UK Covid-19 vaccine program eliminated deaths and hospitalizations

LONDON – New evidence from the UK has shown that Covid-19 vaccinations have drastically reduced serious illnesses and deaths among the elderly after just one dose, reinforcing the optimism that successful vaccination programs offer a return to economic growth this year, after a year of generalized blockages.

Real-world data from the country that is vaccinating a larger proportion of its population than any major Western economy also supports the UK government’s strategy to extend the limited stock of vaccines by delaying a second vaccine injection by up to 12 weeks after the first to protect more people from the disease.

British researchers said in preliminary results published online on Monday that a single dose of the Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE or by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca PLC reduced the risk of hospitalization among people over 70 in 80%, compared to those of similar age who have not been vaccinated.

The study adds evidence from around the world that vaccines are largely as effective in the real world as they have been shown in clinical trials, giving hope that mass implementations can reduce the need for restrictive public health measures and pave the way for reopening.

“We hope it will take us to a very different world in the coming months,” said England’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Jonathan Van-Tam, on Monday, referring to the vaccination.
