Tyler Rich discovers corpse during NYE race

Country music star Tyler Rich went through a dark situation near 2020 this week when he tripped over a corpse while running in Massachusetts on New Year’s Eve.

“Not the way I planned to close 2020 … I think my last day of the year made sense. My heart breaks for this poor young man, ”wrote Rich, 34, on Friday, alongside a screenshot of a news story after the tragic story.

“This will be an image and a moment in my life, I will never forget … I need to shout the first respondents and our military who look death in the eye every day and are able to continue to live their daily lives.”

Rich then goes on to detail the moment he discovered the body, saying that he initially thought it was a homeless person sleeping in a densely wooded area. Worried, he later circled back to where he saw the man.

“I realize that he is not breathing, and when I get in front of him, all I see is a lifeless face covered in blood. Everywhere, ”wrote Rich. “It looked like maybe a shot, or brute force. At that moment, I freak out and run up the steep hill to try to find someone with a phone to call the police. “

The “Feels Like Home” singer then found a couple walking on the main road, borrowing the phone to call the police. He also gave a statement to the FBI.

“I’m doing what I can to process this, the image, the reality. It was a difficult 24 hours, ”he added. “Something I will never fail to see or forget … He looked like a normal young boy. Someone with a family probably wondering where he was. “
