Two-thirds of Google’s queries are no-click searches, ending without a click on any results

Editor’s opinion: Google is arguably one of the most recognized Internet-related brands in the world. In fact, the very name of the Mountain View-based technology giant has become a verb to describe the act of searching for information on the Internet. But have you ever wondered how many surveys end as quickly as they begin?

According to data from SimilarWeb, almost 65% of Google searches end without the user clicking on a link in the results. Rand Fishkin with SparkToro believes that the number may even be underestimating some mobile results and almost all voice searches. Based on these results, Fishkin said that more than two-thirds of all Google searches are likely to be “no-click searches.”

SimilarWeb’s data consisted of about 5.1 trillion Google searches performed worldwide between January 2020 and December 2020. Of these, 33.59 percent resulted in clicks on organic search results, while 1.59 percent were clicks on paid search results.

The data also revealed that no-click searches are much more common on mobile devices than on desktops, with 77.22% versus just 50.75%.

To put the numbers in perspective, we used the StatCounter. The web analytics company notes that, in February 2021, the worldwide market share of Google’s search engines reached 92.05%. Bing, the next closest competitor, won just 2.69% of the market during the same period, while Yahoo won only 1.47%.

In the United States, Google’s search engine market share reached 88.1% last month.

Masthead courtesy of Natee Meepian
