Twitter CEO says the platform “faced extraordinary and unsustainable circumstances” before banning Trump

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said on Wednesday that the social media platform faced an “extraordinary and unsustainable circumstance” before banning President TrumpDonald Trump An increasing number of Republican lawmakers say they support impeachment. YouTube temporarily prevents the upload of new content on the Trump channel. House approves move asking Pence to remove Trump MOREaccount of.

The platform has permanently suspended Trump’s account last Friday, days after a crowd of his supporters broke into the US Capitol in a riot that left five people dead.

The company made the decision, which has since become controversial, after determining that your posts represented “the risk of further incitement to violence”.

In a lengthy Twitter thread on Wednesday, Dorsey said the platform “faced an extraordinary and unsustainable circumstance, which forced us to focus all of our actions on public safety. Offline damage as a result of online speech is proven to be real and what drives our policy and enforcement above all. ”

Dorsey acknowledged, however, that having to ban an account has “real and significant ramifications”, adding that doing so is “our failure to promote healthy conversation. It is a time to reflect on our operations and the environment around us. ”

Dorsey also noted that, in the long run, the actions of Twitter and other companies would be “destructive to the noble purpose and ideals of the open Internet”.

“Yes, we all need to critically examine the inconsistencies in our policy and enforcement. Yes, we need to see how our service can encourage distraction and harm. Yes, we need more transparency in our moderation operations. All of this cannot erode a free and open global Internet ”, he tweeted.

The Twitter CEO also said that he is funding an initiative called Bluesky, with the aim of creating an “open decentralized standard for social media”, adding that it is still in the works. However, he noted that the goal is “to disarm as much as we can” and “to ensure that we are all building towards greater common understanding and a more peaceful existence on earth”.

“I believe that the Internet and global public conversations are our best and most relevant method of achieving this. I also recognize that it doesn’t look like that today. Everything we learn at this moment will improve our effort and propel us to be what we are: a humanity working together ”, he concluded.

Several social media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat, have taken similar actions to restrict or ban Trump from the platform after the riot.

The president criticized the companies on Tuesday, saying their decisions would be a “catastrophic mistake for them”.
