Twitch will have a different Pogchamp emote every 24 hours from now

The photo that was converted into today's Pogchamp emote.

The photo that was converted into today’s Pogchamp emote.
Image: Kenny “UnRoolie” McWild

Earlier this week, Twitch removed its extremely popular Pogchamp emote, which is used to express excitement in the chat, after the face of the emote, Ryan “Gootecks” Gutierrez, encouraged more “civil unrest” after the Capitol insurrection. Now, just two days later, he replaced Gutierrez’s image with an elaborate plan that is, honestYes, beautiful poggers.

Today on Twitter, Twitch announced how it will handle the Pogchamp emote from now on.

“You know what? In the spirit of discovering 2021 together, let’s get on with it for now!” The company wrote. “Get ready for a new Pogchamp every 24 hours, starting today.”

Today’s Pogchamp is fighting game expert Kenny “UnRoolie” McWild, who previously threw his hat in the ring to be the de facto replacement for Pogchamp. Tomorrow could be anyone, but I think it will probably be someone else who has already volunteered on Twitter.

Pogchamp’s rotating idea was originally suggested by longtime gaming personality Sean “Day9″ Plott not long after Twitch removed the original Pogchamp emote.

It’s not hard to see why Twitch liked the idea: if he selected a single individual to be Pogchamp’s new face, that streamer would almost certainly have faced harassment and other forms of unwanted attention. In this way, the Eye of Sauron to Harass Dickheads at least has to look around a lot instead of focusing its fury in one place. Still, it won’t necessarily stop people from looking for the streamer of the day, and opens up new possibilities, like Twitch highlighting a streamer who ends up having a troubled story. This is new territory, so there is no telling how it will actually end. Perhaps this is the most pog part of all.

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