Twenty-three deaths in Norway associated with the COVID-19 vaccine, 13 confirmed

23 people in Norway are suspected of dying from reactions or side effects to vaccination designed to ward off the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19, including 13 that have been confirmed.

The Norwegian Medicines Agency reported the deaths on Friday in a bulletin on its website.

“Common adverse reactions may have contributed to a serious course in frail elderly people,” said the report.

“Reports suggest that common adverse reactions to … vaccines, such as fever and nausea, may have contributed to a fatal outcome in some fragile patients,” said Sigurd Hortemo, chief medical officer of the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

The New York Post reported that the 13 confirmed deaths occurred among nursing home patients aged 80 and over.

More than 30,000 people in Norway, a country of about 5.3 million, have received their first dose of Moderna or Pfizer vaccine since last month, the Post said, quoting official figures.

The Norwegian Medicines Agency, the country’s national drug regulatory authority, claims to have received reports of 29 adverse reactions to vaccinations, 21 in women and eight in men, and about 25% in people over 90. The most common reaction is pain in and around the injection site, fever and fatigue.

Less common were gastrointestinal symptoms, such as stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, as well as breathing problems, such as difficulty breathing and coughing.

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