Turkey’s Erdoğan Suppresses Protests for Academic Freedom

Ankara – The appointment of a political figure with ties to the governing party of Turkey as rector of a major university in Istanbul has sparked protests and raised concerns about further political intervention in higher education.

The big picture: Turkey ranks 135th out of 144 countries on the Academic Freedom Index, and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was given the authority in 2016 to appoint university officials by decree. This was one of the countless measures taken to strengthen its power after a failed coup.

  • Erdoğan used that power last month to appoint Melih Bulu as dean of Bogazici University, known as Harvard Turkey.
  • Founded in 1863 as Robert College, the prestigious public university was the first American higher education institution abroad.

Driving the news: The appointment prompted peaceful protests by students and professors who asked for Bulu’s resignation and that the university be allowed to elect its own president.

  • Turkish police cracked down. More than 600 students have been detained since February 1 and at least ten are still in prison.
  • In recent days, peaceful protests have spread across the country in solidarity.

The current situation: As the protests continue, Bulu tries to establish his control over the university’s administration by appointing two vice presidents.

  • In a surprise move on Friday, Erdoğan bypassed the Higher Education Council to open two new colleges at the university – law and communications.
  • Critics refer to this as a “Trojan horse” movement that will allow Erdoğan to appoint additional academic staff. Existing staff refused to collaborate with Bulu.

What they are saying: The Turkish government claims that the protesters are “extremists” who are violating the ban on public meetings due to COVID-19. Erdoğan and Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu have dubbed them “terrorists”.

  • Soylu even tweeted that the protesters were “LGBT perverts”. His tweet was quickly censored by Twitter.
  • State Department spokesman Ned Price condemned the anti-LGBT comments made by Turkish officials, expressed concern about the broader response to the protests and said the Biden government would not remain silent on issues relating to fundamental democratic freedoms.
  • During a phone call last week with Erdogan’s aide, Ibrahim Kalin, U.S. National Security aide Jake Sullivan said the Biden government would demonstrate a “broad commitment to support democratic institutions and the rule of law” in Turkey, according to with reading the White House.

What is the next: Decisions about potential prosecutions against detained students will be made within two months, in accordance with legal procedures. The protests are expected to continue, with academics reading a statement every day with their backs to the rectory building.
