Trump’s Labor Council council was sacked after resisting Biden’s resignation

The White House said he was later fired.

The dismissal of the Labor Council’s top lawyer before his term ended in November follows criticism from Democrats over what many considered was the pro-management direction the council has taken in recent years.

Democrats also raised concerns about Robb’s measures to reorganize some of the council’s regional offices and new guidelines for the agency’s investigations.

Bloomberg Law was the first to report the news.

Robb has significant control over the cases the board considers in its role to oversee investigations and prosecutions against companies suspected of violating the National Labor Relations Act.

The NLRB is an independent federal agency charged with enforcing US labor laws related to labor practices and collective bargaining agreements.

A leading House Democrat called Biden’s decision “a great victory for American workers”.

Virginia deputy Bobby Scott, chairman of the House’s Education and Work Committee, praised the decision, arguing that Robb “consistently neglected his statutory duty to defend workers’ right to unite and negotiate for better working conditions”.

But the National Right to Work Foundation, an anti-union group, criticized Biden’s action as “the opposite of a return to ‘normal'”.

NLRB spokesman Kevin Petroccione told POLITICO in an email that the council had no comment.

Democrats also raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest between Trump’s appointed board members and his former clients. House Democrats summoned the council last year for documents related to alleged conflicts in a high-profile unfair labor practice case against McDonald’s Corp., in which Robb played a role.

The case was brought up by the Obama-era NLRB, claiming that the fast-food giant was responsible for labor violations committed by its franchisees.

Robb sought a suspension in the McDonald’s case, arguing that a later business-friendly board decision on joint employment made the claims against the fast-food giant irrelevant.

That case, Hy-Brand Industrial Contractors, was reversed by the NLRB after a report by the inspector general said that council member William Emanuel should not have participated in the decision, given his former law firm’s participation in a previous joint employer case that the 2017 decision overturned.

The dispute sparked outrage among Democrats, who raised concerns about conflicts of interest on the labor council.

Robb said at the time that he “did not agree with the views expressed in the IG report”.
