Trump supporters are not responsible for the Capitol attack ::

– A woman from Raleigh is sharing the moment when she, and hundreds of other North Carolinaians, witnessed protesters violating the United States Capitol building earlier this week.

Wake County Republican Party President Donna Williams says President Donald Trump’s supporters were not responsible for the attack.

She shared her experience in a letter sent to other party members. She said she and hundreds of other Wake County Republicans went to DC to show support for the president and to thank him for his services.

“Ending the way it ended … was heartbreaking,” described Williams.

She traveled with hundreds of other Republicans to attend Trump’s March to Save America demonstration.

“It was a very prayerful and patriotic time. There were a lot of different speakers,” said Williams.

Then the event turned violent when protesters violated the Capitol, causing the building to be closed.

With the police force caught unprepared, the armed crowd dominated the Capitol

In his letter, Williams wrote “I do not believe that patriotic Republicans started the riots. I personally observed what appeared to be professional agitators inciting the violence of the crowd.”

“I don’t know 100% because I don’t know all the people who were there,” she said on Saturday.

There is no evidence that anyone was paid to participate.

Deb Newton, a lawyer and Republican, blames President Trump for urging some of his protesters to march to the Capitol in protest against the electoral college vote count.

“It was a clear instigation of sedition. It was shocking,” she said.

Newton said Williams’ letter did not address who should be held responsible for the violation.

“Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, a libertarian or not affiliated with any party … every American needs to renounce this activity,” she added.

In the letter to members, Williams said that in order to heal, it is important to divert attention from what is happening nationally and focus on Wake County.

