Trump says the US ‘probably’ wouldn’t have the COVID-19 vaccine if it weren’t for him

Former President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that if it weren’t for him, Americans would probably never receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I hope everyone will remember when they are taking the COVID-19 vaccine (often called the China Virus), that if I weren’t the president, you wouldn’t have that beautiful ‘injection’ for 5 years at most, and probably not it would achieve nothing, ”Trump said in a statement.

“I hope everyone will remember!” He continued.

A senior adviser to President Biden’s coronavirus response team said on Wednesday that one in four adults in the United States has already received their first injection of the vaccine.

Trump, who was banned permanently from Twitter after the January 6 deadly riot on Capitol Hill, resorted to e-mail statements that resemble his old tweets.

The former president used to use Twitter during his presidency to call lawmakers, make official announcements and even promote his policies.

The social media giant barred him forever “due to the risk of further incitement to violence”.
