Trump: Rally before the Capitol violation was ‘lovefest’ and a ‘beautiful thing’

Old one President TrumpDonald TrumpSacha Baron Cohen calls ‘danger of lies, hatred and conspiracies’ in Golden Globe speech Sorkin uses the quote by Abbie Hoffman to condemn Capitol violence: Democracy is ‘something you do’ Former Trump adviser, Pierson, planning to run for Congress MORE in an interview late Sunday, he defended his response to the deadly riots of his supporters at the United States Capitol on January 6 and called the rally where he spoke before a “love party”.

“It was a tremendous number of people, not the Capitol, I am talking about the rally itself. It was a love party. It was a beautiful thing, ”Trump told Steve Hilton on Fox News.

During the “Stop the Steal” rally at the White House Ellipse, Trump urged thousands of his supporters to march on the Capitol and pressure lawmakers not to finalize Joe BidenJoe BidenBiden supports Senate Democrats ‘Plan B’ union organizing efforts to raise the minimum wage Kavanaugh discourages conservatives by dodging pro-Trump electoral processes MOREVictory of the Electoral College. He told the crowd to show “strength” that day or risk losing the country.

“You will never get back to our country with weakness,” Trump said at the time.

Later, a mob invaded the Capitol, sending lawmakers into hiding and leading to multiple deaths and multiple injuries as a result of the chaos.

Democrats accused Trump weeks later in an article urging insurrection against the government. Subsequently, he was acquitted by the Senate after a trial occurred after he left office.

Trump said On Sunday, he “hates” seeing the riots on Capitol Hill and called the event “terrible”. He also mentioned protests for racial justice last summer, saying “no one seems to mind this”.

He also stated that he wanted 10,000 members of the National Guard service to be sent to the Capitol before the demonstration, but “listened [congressional leadership] rejected because it didn’t look good. ”

Trump said in a video message the night after the violation that he “immediately sent the National Guard and the federal police to protect the building and expel the intruders.”

However, an AP fact check found that the claim was false.

“While Trump was involved in discussions in the days leading up to Wednesday’s riots over the National Guard’s response, he did not participate in decision-making that day,” reported the AP. “Defense officials said they did not speak to Trump on Wednesday. The Justice Department called the Capitol Police and offered FBI agents while the crowd was falling, but the police refused the offer. Justice called back a second time. and help was accepted. Trump was not involved. ”
