Trump plans to award Belichick the Presidential Medal of Freedom

President TrumpDonald TrumpOutgoing Capitol Police Chief accuses House and Senate security officials of hampering efforts to summon the National Guard: WaPo PGA announces plans to transfer the 2022 championship from Trump’s property Former Democratic Senator: Biden Department of Justice can investigate speakers on January 6 for MORE encouragement plans to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country’s largest civilian tribute, to New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick.

A White House official confirmed that Trump plans to honor Belichick with the award a week after the president urged a crowd of his supporters to invade the U.S. Capitol during the procedure to certify the elected president. Joe BidenJoe BidenOutgoing Capitol Police Chief accuses House and Senate security officials of hampering efforts to summon the National Guard: WaPo PGA announces plans to transfer the 2022 championship from Trump’s property Former Democratic Senator: Biden Department of Justice can investigate meeting speakers on January 6 MOREvictory of.

The ceremony is scheduled to take place near the end of a week during which House Democrats pledged the president’s impeachment for the second time in connection with last week’s deadly riots at the U.S. Capitol. Trump paid tribute to golfers Gary Player and Annika Sorenstam in the days following the riots.

Belichick will be part of a list of sports personalities to whom Trump gave the Medal of Freedom.

Trump and the Patriots coach are longtime friends, and the president appointed Belichick to the Presidential Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition in 2018. The NFL team and Belichick visited the White House after their 2017 Super Bowl victory, but avoided a return visit after 2019 victory.

Recently, in August last year, Trump told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt that Belichick is “a great friend of mine. He’s a winner. “

“You know, if I ever had a military battle, would I call Belichick and say what you think? What do you think? Give me some ideas, ”said Trump.

“I’m flattered by that, but I’m going to limit myself to coaching football,” Belichick told Boston WEEI sports station.

Politico first reported plans to honor Belichick with the award.

The president in recent weeks also presented the tribute to one of his most active supporters in the House, the Reps. Devin NunesDevin Gerald NunesSunday shows the preview: Riots stir Washington as demands for Trump’s removal grow READ: Republicans who voted to contest election results Trump gives Nunes the Medal of Freedom MORE (R-Calif.). Rep. Jim JordanJames (Jim) Daniel JordanSunday shows the preview: Riots stir Washington as demands for Trump’s removal grow READ: Republicans who voted to contest election results LIVE COVERAGE: Congress certifies Biden’s victory after the failure of the challenges of Pennsylvania and Arizona MORE (R-Ohio), another Trump ally, is expected to receive the honor this week, the White House official confirmed.

It is not clear whether the medal ceremony will be public. Normally, Trump publicly presented the awards during his presidency, but kept events for Nunes and the two golfers closed to the press.

The Hill contacted the Patriots for comment.

– Updated at 8:55 am
