Trump commits to ‘orderly transition’ in statement after crowd stormed Capitol Hill

President Donald Trump committed to “an orderly transition” of power on Thursday, minutes after Congress confirmed President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

The impressive reversal came hours after a violent crowd of supporters of the president invaded the US Capitol.

“Although I totally disagree with the election result and the facts confirm it, there will be an orderly transition on January 20,” according to a statement attributed to Trump and released by the White House.

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Trump repeatedly and baselessly claimed that the election was stolen or that there was widespread fraud, for which there is no evidence.

After the attack on the Capitol, he also faced increasing pressure from previous supporters to accept that Biden had won.

Senator Lindsey Graham, RS.C., a Trump ally, said after the events on the Capitol that Biden was legally elected and that it was time to accept him.

“Count on me. Enough,” he said. “We have to end this.”
