Trump asks Brad Raffensperger to ‘find’ the votes to win him Georgia, Audio Tapes Show

President Trump urged Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” enough votes to reverse his electoral defeat in the state, according to the audio of a call between the two on Saturday released by The Washington Post on Sunday. “There is nothing wrong with saying, you know, um, that you recalculated,” said the president to the state’s top electoral officer.

Raffensperger, who along with Georgia’s Republican governor Brian Kemp, remained steadfast in refusing to overturn the election results, told the president on the call that there was no evidence of electoral fraud or electoral interference. At one point, when the president falsely claimed that the votes were scanned three times, Raffensperger replied: “Mr. President, they didn’t. We audited this and proved conclusively that they have not been digitized three times. “

At one point during the call, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows tried to spread the word by proposing to Raffensperger that they find a solution “in the spirit of cooperation and commitment”.

“We don’t agree that you have one,” replied Raffensperger, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
