Triple H challenges Elon Musk to a WrestleMania match on Mars

The headline says it all: Triple H challenged Elon Musk to a WrestleMania fight on Mars. In a recent interview on The Good Time Show, Triple H gave up on the challenge and gave his reason for it.

Before launching the challenge for Musk, Triple H made a promotion about Musk’s achievements:

“Let me speak to Elon Musk because I feel that there is some kind of disrespect going on here, because I don’t know if he has a superiority complex because he is a rocket scientist,” said Triple H. “A self-taught rocket scientist, right ? Great deal. He’s a guy who basically revolutionized the electric car because he wanted to launch rockets to Mars. Great deal. He taught himself how to build cars, he taught himself how to revolutionize the automotive industry, he taught himself how to revolutionize space travel, he invented reusable rockets, all of that. Then, [he] he plays on the Internet, he reverses some things, he becomes the greatest billionaire, trillionaire or whatever in the world. The richest guy in the world, which, incidentally, he couldn’t keep for long. I’m sure he will reverse this [laughs]. “

Triple H then pointed out that he is not impressed with the quality of the opponents that Musk won, which led him to his one-on-one challenge on Mars:

“At that point, Elon, you have to ask yourself … all these incredible achievements and believe me, they are cool, but, who did you defeat? Who have you defeated? The answer is nobody. So, if you want to disrespect our business, I will do it anytime, anywhere, anywhere. Elon Musk, if you dare, if you have what it takes to do that … then you and I will talk, Elon, about what I really want to talk about, which is to take one of your rockets, launch it from Florida, up into space, going to Mars with a Performance Center team, where we set up the biggest show the Universe has ever seen – WrestleMania Mars. “

Obviously, Triple H’s challenge is fun, but Vince McMahon may already be trying to schedule that match for the main event at WrestleMania 38.
