Triple H calls Elon Musk

Triple H made an appearance on The Good Time Show and during it launched a challenge for Elon Musk.

Musk, the head of Tesla and SpaceX, apparently disrespected the professional wrestling business, which led to a response from “The Game”. Triple H wants Musk to receive a rocket full of talent from the Performance Center to go to Mars and host a WrestleMania.

“Let me speak to Elon Musk because I feel that there is some kind of disrespect going on here. Because I don’t know if he has a superiority complex because he is a rocket scientist, a self-taught rocket scientist, right? Great deal. He’s a guy who revolutionized the electric car because he wanted to launch rockets to Mars. Great deal. He taught himself how to build cars, he taught himself how to revolutionize the automotive industry, he taught himself how to revolutionize space travel. comes with reusable rockets, the whole thing.

Then, [he] he plays on the internet, reverses some things, becomes the greatest billionaire, trillionaire or whatever. The richest guy in the world, which, incidentally, he couldn’t keep for long. I’m sure he will reverse that. At this point, Elon, you have to ask yourself … all these incredible achievements and, believe me, they are cool, but who did you defeat? Who have you defeated? [The] the answer is nobody. “

“If you want to disrespect our business, this is one thing. I will go anytime, anywhere, anywhere [fight you], Elon Musk. If you dare, if you have what it takes to do that, then you and I will talk about Elon, what I really want to talk about, which is to take one of his rockets, launch it from Florida, go up into space, going to Mars with a Performance Center team, where we organize the biggest show the Universe has ever seen, WrestleMania Mars. “

Of course, this is all fun. You can listen to the entire promotion by clicking on the player below:
