Transcript: Phone call from President Trump to Georgia election officials

MARK MEADOWS, White House chief of staff: So, Mr. President, if I, if I can get in, I’ll give Brad a chance. Mr. Secretary, one, obviously, there are, there are allegations in which we believe that not all fair and legal votes or votes have been counted. This is at odds with the representation of the Secretary of State’s office. I am hoping that there is some way that we can, to find some sort of agreement to, to, to examine this a little more completely. As you know, the president mentioned Fulton County, but in some of those areas where there seems to be a difference in where the facts seem to lead. And so, Mr. Secretary, I was hopeful that, you know, in a spirit of cooperation and commitment, there is something that we can at least have a discussion for to examine some of these claims to find a way forward that is less litigious.

RAFFENSPERGER: Well, I heard what the president just said. President Trump, we had several lawsuits and we had to respond in court to the lawsuits and disputes over – we don’t agree that you have one. We don’t, I don’t agree on the 200,000 number you mentioned. And I go through that point by point. What we did was give the State Senate about an hour and a half of our time to examine the electoral issue by topic. And then at State House, the Government Affairs Committee, we gave them about two and a half hours of our time, going back step by step on all matters of containment. And then, a few days ago, we met with our US congressmen, Republican congressmen, and gave them about two hours of our time talking about the previous elections. Going back mainly to what you are, what you said here, focused mainly, I believe it is the absentee voting process, I do not believe that you are really questioning Dominion machines because we did a total overhaul, a 1 per percent of all ballots and compared to what the machine said. And it obtained practically the same result. Then we did the recount. We have practically the same result. I think we could probably get that off the table. I don’t think there’s a problem with that. I think you were –

TRUMP: Well, Brad, Brad, not that there isn’t a problem, but because we have a big problem with Dominion and other states and maybe yours. But we do, we didn’t feel like we needed to go there, and just, you know, maybe put a different twist on what Mark is saying. Mark Meadows. Yes, I would like to go further, but it is not really necessary. We have all the votes we need. You know, we won the state. If you did, these are the minimum numbers, the numbers I gave you. These are numbers that are certified, their absentee ballots sent to vague addresses, their out-of-state voters, 4,925.

You know, when you add them up, it’s a lot more often, it’s often 11,779. So, we can proceed. We do not go through their domain, so we cannot give them a blessing. I mean, in other states we think we’ve found tremendous corruption with Dominion machines, but we’ll have to see. But, but we, we only lost the state by 11 thousand – by, by that number, 11,000 votes and 779. So to say, with only what we have. And, you know, with just what we have, we’re giving you minimum, minimum numbers, we’re making the numbers as conservative as possible. We are often, many, many times above the margin. And then we don’t really need it, Mark – I don’t think we have to go through the machines because, why is the difference between winning the election by two, two votes and winning it by half a million votes? I think I probably won by half a million – I mean, you know, one of the things that happened, Brad, is that we have other people now from Alabama and South Carolina and other states, and they’re saying, ‘It’s impossible for you missed Georgia. ‘ We won. You know, in Alabama, we set a record, we had the biggest vote ever. In Georgia, we set a record with a huge amount of votes. And they say, ‘You can’t have lost Georgia.’

And I could tell you about our rallies, I could tell you about the rally I’m having on Monday night, the place, they already have lines of people waiting in front. It is simply not possible to have lost Georgia. It’s not possible. When he heard he was close, he said he had no way. But they lost a lot of votes there late at night, you know that, Brad. And that’s what we’re working on very, very strictly. But regardless of those votes, with all that being said, we lost by 11 to – essentially 11,000 votes. And we have many other votes already calculated and certified as well. So, I just don’t know. You know, Mark, I don’t know what the purpose is. I will not let Dominion pass because we found a lot of bad things. But we don’t need Dominion or anything. We won, we won this election in Georgia based on all of that. And there’s nothing wrong with saying that, Brad. You know, I mean, having the, having the correct one. The people of Georgia are angry, and these numbers will be repeated on Monday night, along with others that we will have until then, which are much more substantial, and the people of Georgia are angry, the people of the country are with rage. And there is nothing wrong with saying that, you know, um, that you recalculated because the 2,236 and absentee ballots, I mean, they are all exact numbers that were, were made by accounting firms, law firms, etc. if you cut them in half, cut them in half and cut them in half again, that’s more votes than we need.

RAFFENSPERGER: Well, Mr. President, the challenge you have is the data you have is wrong. We talked to the congressmen, and they were surprised. But they – I think, there is a person named Mr. Brainard who came to these meetings and presented data, and he said that there were people killed, I believe there were more than 5,000. The real number was two. Two. Two dead people who voted. And then, this is wrong, there were two.

TRUMP: Well, Cleta, how do you respond to that? I mean, you tell me.

CLETA MITCHELL, lawyer Trump: I will say, Mr. Secretary, one of the things we asked for and did – what we said was, and if you look, if you read our petition, it says that we took the names and years of birth and, you know, we had certain information available to us . We request records from your office that only you own. And then we said that there is a universe of people who have the same name and the same year of birth and died. But we don’t have the records you have, and one of the things we’ve been suggesting formally and informally for weeks is to try, is that you provide us with the records you would need to confirm –
