Tracking Marilyn Manson’s blurred lines between Shock Rock and alleged abuse

May 2007: Wood stars next to Manson in a sexually suggestive video for his song “Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand)”. It is public knowledge that Wood is dating Manson, who is divorcing dancer Dita Von Teese. The following year, Manson and Wood split up.

June 2009: In an interview published by TO SPIN, Manson says he got hurt after his separation from Wood, and that he fantasizes about hurting her. “I have fantasies every day about crushing her skull with a sledgehammer,” he said. Subsequently, his camp claims that he was not serious and that he made the comments in a spirit of theatrical exaggeration.

July 2009: Manson apparently threatens violence against music journalists. “I am very different than the press that will soon be murdered in your home decided to manufacture,” he writes in a blog post that is no longer online, responding to a disparaging mention from the media. “If another ‘journalist’ makes an arrogant statement about me and my band, I will go personally or with the help of my fans, to greet them at their home and find out how much they believe in their freedom of speech.”

November 2009: Manson releases the video for his song “Running to the Edge of the World”, which contains a staged scene of him appearing to brutally beat up a female character who, several critics note, seems to resemble Wood.

January 2010: Having reconciled, Manson and Wood are reportedly engaged; he proposes while on stage. In a few months, they separated again.

November 2016: On a Rolling Stone interview, Wood speaks publicly for the first time about being raped “by an important person while we were together.” It also refers to your “physical, psychological, [and] sexual abuse ”by a partner. It does not elaborate on the identity of the alleged author.

October 2017: Manson’s longtime bassist Twiggy Ramirez is accused of rape. Manson, after saying that he “didn’t know anything about these allegations until very recently” and was “saddened” by the alleged survivor’s “obvious distress”, separates from Ramirez. Ramirez issues a statement stating that he “only recently became aware of these allegations more than 20 years ago” and states: “I do not tolerate non-consensual sex of any kind”.

February 2018: Comedian and actor Charlyne Yi accuses Manson of harassing women and making racist comments on the set of the TV drama House. Manson does not comment on the claims.

In the same month, again without naming names, Wood details experiences of sexual assault and domestic violence in testimony before Congress. “My experience with domestic violence was this,” she says, “the toxic mental, physical and sexual abuse that started slowly, but increased over time, including threats to my life, severe gas lighting and brainwashing, waking up with man who claimed to love me, raping what he believed to be my unconscious body. “

August 2018: The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office says in a lawsuit that it refused to proceed with the case against Manson. According to the lawsuit, a police report filed against Manson earlier that year accused him of unspecified sexual crimes since 2011. In the process, the prosecutor’s office says he refused to pursue the case because the statute of limitations has expired and the “absence” corroboration “. Through his lawyer, Manson “categorically” denies the allegations, calling them “completely delusional”.

April 2019: Wood testifies about his experience with domestic violence again, this time before a California Senate panel. Again, she refuses to name her alleged aggressor. “The fear of being judged by society is debilitating and my aggressor’s fear of retaliation is paralyzing,” she says. “I was diagnosed with complex PTSD, including dissociation, panic attacks, night terror, agoraphobia, impulse control, chronic pain in my body, among other symptoms.”
