Tony Hawk Dev Vicarious Visions reportedly remaking Diablo 2 on Blizzard

Activision Blizzard recently made the surprising decision to merge Vicarious Visions – the studio behind Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 – into Blizzard to support other projects. One of these projects is, at least supposedly, a remake of Diablo 2, while others at Blizzard continue to work on Diablo 4.

According to Bloomberg, problems with the development of Warcraft III: Reforged caused Blizzard to reconsider teams that were developing games in the future, with its classic “Team 1” games being pulled out of the project and replaced by a division that is also dealing with Diablo 4. Warcraft III was severely criticized for its poor quality and lack of significant improvements. Blizzard has not been in the habit of remaking or remastering its games before.

Among the developers who are also working on this project is the Vicarious Visions team. It is the second time that a developer Tony Hawk has been absorbed by another studio, with Neversoft joining Infinity Ward in 2014.

This remake of Diablo 2 was not formally announced by Blizzard, but it could be a tentative release to make waiting for Diablo 4 a little easier. What won’t be easy is dealing with the studio behind one of the best games of 2020 by getting your own projects to help you. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 was not only able to replicate what made the original games excellent, such as the level of design and sound, but also provided a basic skating experience that seemed to have been done today. Almost all of the music from the two original games was retained for the remake as well. This includes Goldfinger’s legendary “Superman”. Unfortunately, doing everything they could was not enough to get the green light for another game.

The Diablo franchise will certainly not be short of launches if everything that has been reported comes to fruition. Along with Diablo 4, Blizzard will also launch Diablo Immortal for mobile devices, which features classes from previous games like Demon Hunter, Monk, Crusader and Barbarian. Blizzard continues to work on World of Warcraft and Overwatch 2 as well.

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