Thousands of nominations for the COVID-19 vaccine ended up being absent in Santa Clara County

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) – In South Bay, thousands of people did not attend the COVID-19 vaccine consultation last week in Santa Clara County. The good news is that none of these doses have been missed, but county officials say the act of not canceling an appointment can still have negative effects on the vaccine’s release.

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“This helps us to have a predictable supply and demand curve and a predictable experience for people who come to the sites, to avoid the really long waits that can result from trying to maximize our capacity in relation to the no-show rate,” said the Dr. Jennifer Tong, Associate Medical Director, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center.

Like many essential workers across the valley, Orient Express manager Chi Pham is patiently waiting for his turn to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

“They may or may not be sick, so I am very nervous,” said Pham.

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Pham worries about his interactions with customers on a daily basis and was disappointed to learn that there were more than 4,500 no-shows last week at COVID-19 vaccination stations operated by the county. That number was about 10% of the available consultations.

“I am very upset about this, because if they sign up, they will have to go there to get it,” said Pham.

County officials say they are already adjusting the expected no-show rates, scheduling what they think is their maximum capacity. Last week, they registered 10% more, so no doses were really missed. While it is difficult to pinpoint the exact reasons behind the no-shows, the county believes that some people make multiple appointments or apply before they are even eligible.

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“When they have a consultation that they don’t plan to do, it looks like it’s just a consultation and it’s probably not a big deal, but in reality, those individual consultations really do add up,” said Dr. Tong.

County officials say those who signed up, but are concerned about moving forward, must still show up for answers to their questions.

Tong added: “They can decide at that moment if they don’t want to proceed, but at least coming, we would have an opportunity to resolve any hesitation they may be having.”

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This occurs as the county expands its community engagement team, which is visiting businesses and neighborhoods in some of the areas most affected by the virus. Vaccine education is a key component.

“Hearing from a trusted person what your options are for testing, vaccination, how to keep you and your family safe, it will, frankly, be our secret weapon,” said county supervisor Cindy Chavez. “We have to get everyone to cross the finish line, everyone who is interested in being vaccinated, we have to vaccinate them.”

Moving forward, the county expects the public to think about the big picture and do its part by canceling any commitments it does not intend to keep. Failure to do so can delay implementation and prevent the county from moving to another level.

“I hope to receive the vaccine as soon as I can, so that I can protect myself and also protect the customer,” said Pham.

If you have any questions or comments about the COVID-19 vaccine, send it using the form below or here.

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