Thousands of Houstonians rejoiced to receive the COVID-19 vaccine on the Minute Maid, despite long waiting times

Thousands of Houston residents were grateful to receive the COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday at Minute Maid Park, even if they had to look for a parking lot and wait an hour and a half in the stands to receive the injection in the arm.

The city increased the capacity of what Mayor Sylvester Turner calls a “mega” vaccination post at the Astros’ home after receiving a shipment of 8,200 doses from the state on Thursday. Health professionals transferred the appointments originally scheduled at the Bayou City Event Center, moved up some future vacancies and reserved 2,600 new ones – all of which were requested in 16 minutes on Friday.

Health workers distributed more than 6,100 doses by the end of the day, a count that exceeded the city’s goal of 5,000 and that officials said was more than any other location in the region. The Hermann Memorial hopes to inoculate some 13,000 people during its four-day event at NRG Stadium.

The city made about 3,600 vaccinations during a test on the Minute Maid last week, which was also possible due to the shipment of the Moderna vaccine at the end of the week.

“We are trying to provide the vaccine to as many people as possible,” said Turner after visiting the site. “I think most people are very satisfied with what is happening today and, it seems, I think people recognize that things are going well.”

Most of the recipients spoke in enthusiastic terms about the operation, although there were some logistical problems. There were long lines to park in the morning, which clogged the streets around the stadium, and some long waiting times inside the stadium. Some people who made an appointment reported that they did not receive a confirmation email. And the city said it was unable to reach everyone who had commitments in Bayou City to alert them to the change of location. Health professionals said they would accommodate these people if, in the end, they missed the appointment.

For most, however, the occasion marked a hint of optimism against the pandemic that has affected lives here for 11 months.

Claudia Stevens said she was “very impressed” with the site. Herbert Yuan said it went “very well, considering the number of people”. And Kris McNeil, who was wrapped up in the cold weather, said it was worth waiting an hour and a half for the photo.

“Things happen, and we are grateful that everyone is here and willing to work with us and give us these vaccines,” said McNeil, opening his jacket to reveal a Dolly Parton shirt. “It was done well. I really have no complaints, after waiting all this time. “

The city received 30,000 doses of the vaccine and distributed more than 21,000. Of these recipients, 52 percent were men and 47 percent women, according to preliminary data from the Department of Health. Whites account for 41% of shots, compared to 22% for Hispanics, 19% for black residents and 16% for Asians.

Houston is 57 percent white, 45 percent Hispanic, 22.6 percent black, and 6.8 percent Asian, according to data from the Census Bureau.

For some, the frustration of waiting has overflowed. As Turner went to the stands where people waited, a man stood up and told him to correct the long waiting times.

“Fix it, sir,” said the man to the mayor. “If you sit down and have patience, we’ll fix this,” replied Turner. “I’m tired of being patient,” said the man.

Houston resident Sara Cress, a former Chronicle reporter, gave a live account of her experience in the Twitter. She said she was being directed in circles to find parking.

“The most frustrating part was the traffic,” said Cress. “I stayed in my car in the city center for about an hour and a half.”

Waiting inside was easier, about half an hour, although she said that when she first entered the building, it was difficult to keep her distance from other people who were waiting. Then they were escorted to the stands, where they could space themselves, and messages in the public announcement system encouraged social distance.

“I haven’t been that close to people in a year,” said Cress, adding that the workers were very kind and witty. “I know they are doing their best.”

Turner asked for patience and said the city is doing its best to overcome logistical obstacles. Overall, he said, he was very impressed with the operation and said his wide reach of 5,000 people was commendable.

“When you’re trying to deliver vaccines on such a large scale, it requires a lot of logistics, a lot of heavy lifting, but we’re doing that,” said Turner. “The job is to get these vaccines out as soon as possible, so they don’t stay on the shelves. I can guarantee that they are not on the shelves. It’s a heavy lift, it’s a big operation. You may experience failures from time to time. “

He said the uneven nature of federal government vaccine disbursements complicates matters, forcing city officials to work quickly. US deputy Sheila Jackson Lee, who was also present, said she is pushing for the next Biden government to distribute vaccine shipments directly to cities.

“When you don’t know what you’re buying and don’t know when you’re going to get it, it’s difficult to plan properly,” said Turner.

The city refocused last week’s Minute Maid layout to make it more efficient. People were screened out and then allowed to enter the first-floor lobby near the Love Street bar, which usually sold beer to baseball fans. Then they were taken to the stands to wait and, finally, back to the lobby to take their pictures outside the Jackson Street barbecue and other restaurants on the first floor.

A health worker helping to guide people said late in the morning, “We’re just getting the hang of things.”

The site was closed on Saturday night, with health department officials saying they could not accommodate the number of people waiting in line. They wrote down the names of people still waiting to reschedule appointments, officials said in a press release.

Other cities have encountered similar or worse obstacles in creating their websites. Austin residents were frustrated when the portal launched by the city’s public health agency crashed while people tried to register, according to the Austin American-Statesman. Dallas residents had problems with confirmation notices and, when they received them, were not told where to go, according to the Dallas Morning News.

Photos go to people who meet Phase 1A or 1B criteria of the state distribution plan. They are usually health professionals and other frontline workers, along with people over 65 and those with certain high-risk health conditions.

The city will announce new appointments when they become available. Residents can monitor the department’s Twitter account or sign up for push notifications by registering with’s HoustonRecovers option.

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