Thousands at the Oakland Coliseum received incorrect dosage of the vaccine, medical staff say

Thousands of people who visited the mass vaccination site at the Oakland Coliseum received the wrong dosages of the vaccine this week, raising questions about the effectiveness of the medication, according to two medical officials who contacted KTVU.

People who received very little of the Pfizer doses received their vaccines on Monday before 2pm. But at that time, the problem was identified and was stopped that night, according to paramedics, who asked to remain anonymous to keep their jobs. and that has been confirmed by state officials. This is the only day and time period in question.

An EMT estimated that 4,300 people had received the vaccines so far. A total of 6,000 people can be vaccinated at that location during the week.

State officials challenge the notion that anyone will be less protected by lower doses of the vaccine, although another infectious disease expert has said that there is not enough science to prove it yet. The complaint comes at a time when people across the country are clamoring to be vaccinated and scarcity and confusion abound about how to make appointments and who is eligible.

The problem at the Colosseum site stems from the orange-capped syringes that were used – and the amount of Pfizer vaccine they can administer.

The ideal amount to receive is 0.3 mL of the vaccine.

However, both paramedics said the 0.3 ml syringes they received from a national stockpile left about a third of the vaccine stuck in the bottom of the plastic container; the syringes are designed so that the plunger cannot reach the entire bottom, leaving behind about 0.05 to 0.1 ml of wasted vaccine.

This means that many of the people who received injections before the problem was discovered on Monday could have received a lower dose of 0.2 ml.

Dr. Gerry Meta, medical director of the Colosseum site, questioned the amount of vaccine that was actually left behind, saying that when he tried it, he saw that a smaller amount was left behind in the syringe. But he acknowledged that it all depended on how hard someone pressed the plunger.

Jorge Munoz, 44, his brother’s legal conservative, who has cerebral palsy, received a vaccine on Monday during the period in question and said he was very concerned.

“The president did not have these problems,” said Munoz, referring to Donald Trump, who tested positive for coronavirus and received excellent medical care. “But we, normal people, have it.”

RELATED: The Oakland Coliseum Mass Vaccination Site is One of 100 that Biden Vowed to Open

John Jones III of Oakland has long criticized any type of vaccination. And knowing what happened at the Colosseum only solidified his skepticism.

“Historically, there have been a number of abuses against the black community in the medical field, notably the 40-year-old Tuskegee Study,” said Jones, referring to an unethical study of African American men and syphilis. “Everything that appears to be for our benefit always seems to have an adverse impact.”

A similar syringe problem was reported across the country in January, when the “Operation Warp Speed” vaccination kits contained syringes that held portions of the vaccine stuck inside.

Both medical workers who spoke to KTVU also said that tent managers and leaders in Oakland wanted to “sweep the problem under the rug” just to keep vaccination numbers high.

The Colosseum website was created specifically to help people in marginalized communities and to ensure that they could be vaccinated.

This is a 0.3 ml syringe that should be used to administer the Pfizer vaccine. Photo: courtesy of the Oakland Coliseum medical officer

Officials at the California Emergency Services Office and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, both agencies that run the site, were unaware of the problem until Tuesday, when KTVU alerted them to the issue of syringe capacity raised by the two whistleblowers. Cal OES spokesman Brian Ferguson said that as whistleblowers brought the issue to light, high-level meetings were held on Tuesday afternoon between their agencies, as well as the US Department of Public Health, Health and Human Services. USA and Pfizer, to determine what it does.

In the end, Ferguson said that stakeholders felt that the amount was “negligible” and that there was no need to contact any of the patients who may have received lower doses of the vaccine at this time.

In an interview on Wednesday, Ferguson said, “We don’t think anyone has been formally underdosed.”

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Ferguson added that, after talking to doctors and Pfizer, the authorities were informed that the dosage was in accordance with appropriate health guidelines and protocols.

However, if things change and “if any inadequacies are identified, or follow-up is needed,” Ferguson said that FEMA and Cal OES “will make corrections quickly”. He said the authorities have everyone’s contact information through the registration portal.

Ferguson also refuted claims that managers told healthcare professionals to keep the problem hidden, saying that some pharmacists and medical directors met on the issue and alerted the relevant authorities in a timely manner.

These syringes are spring loaded and provide the right amount of vaccine. Courtesy: Oakland Coliseum Medical Worker

Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease physician at UCSF, said people should not panic.

He believes that people who have taken an underdose can recover during the second round of injections, even if they are no longer paid to make up for the smallest amount. There is evidence, he said, that even one dose of the Pfizer vaccine is quite effective, but for now, underdosed people should act as if they have not been vaccinated. After the second dose, he said, they should be fine.

And if people really want to be at ease, they can ask the doctor for an antibody test after the second dose, just to be sure. “They are probably protected,” he said.

However, Dr. John Swartzberg, clinical professor emeritus of infectious diseases and vaccinology at UC Berkeley Public Health, pointed out that there are no scientific studies conducted yet to determine how effective a vaccine is at a lower dosage.

RELATED: The Pfizer Study Suggests that the Vaccine Works Against the Variant of the Virus

And he said that the burden of what to do should rest on Cal OES and FEMA to bring scientific minds together with the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control to find out how to proceed.

But he agreed that it is not appropriate to give a larger dose of vaccine the second time, since the ideal amount is 0.3 milliliters and no more. He thought that perhaps the people who received the smallest amount should probably receive a booster injection in the next three months or more.

“What to do is to judge,” said Swartzberg. “There is no science yet to guide us. It is very likely that these people already have decent immunity and I would not want them all to freak out. Now, they just need to find out what is the best thing to do in a situation.”

Even after these revelations surfaced, one of the paramedics who first approached KTVU said that the orange-capped syringes were still being used at the Colosseum site.

They are now being filled with just 0.4 mL of the vaccine. This means that people are now receiving the proper dosage, but 0.1 mL of the vaccine is being left in the bottom of the syringe, said the EMT.

He also said that there is a different spring-loaded syringe being used at the site that provides the proper amount, but this tool is more expensive, he said. He also provided pictures of both syringes to compare the designs.

Earlier this week, he said he shouldn’t use spring-loaded syringes, but now, he and another medical team are using a mix of faces and orange caps.

He said that he is fine with this, as long as people are being properly dosed and that the waste in the government, for him, is just normal.

Lisa Fernandez is a KTVU reporter. Email Lisa at [email protected] or call her at 510-874-0139. Or follow her on Twitter @ljfernandez
