Thor 4 Set Photos debuts the new Avenger costume

The new photos of Thor: Love and Thunder show Thor working alongside Star-Lord and wearing more casual clothes compared to his Asgardian armor.

The Thunder God swapped his classic Avengers / Asgardian costume for something more punk rock in new behind-the-scenes photos of Thor: love and thunder.

The photos show Chris Hemsworth’s Thor alongside Chris Pratt’s Peter Quill / Starlord holding his Stormbreaker magic ax. In addition to gaining a braid of hair and regaining muscle mass compared to your formally overweight self in Avengers: Endgame, Thor’s wardrobe has changed, with the hero now wearing a red leather vest that shows off his biceps next to a white T-shirt and jeans. In comparison, Star Lord seems to have grown a beard compared to previous movie entries.

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This shot of camaraderie between Thor and Star-Lord implies that their relationship may have improved since the events of Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. After recovering it from the wreckage of the ship Thanos left behind, Quill initially expressed comic jealousy towards Thor’s divine physique, particularly given Gamora’s reaction to his muscles. After following separate paths to stop Thanos (both resulting in failure) and eventually get together to EndgameAt the climax of Thor, he decided to travel with the Guardians of the Galaxy in hopes of finding himself after years of being plagued by depression for not killing the Mad Titan. Their relationship, however, ended with the two characters jokingly competing for leadership status aboard the Star Lord’s ship.

Thor: love and thunder recently started production in Australia, with several veterans from the Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy franchises set to appear in the film. Your plot will borrow heavily from 2015-2018 Mighty Thor story, in which Jane Foster became a female version of Thor after the Prince of Asgard was mysteriously made unworthy of raising Mjolnir. These characters will also have to fight a new threat in Gorr the God Butcher, played by Christian Bale.

Directed by Taika Waititi, Thor: love and thunder Chris Hemsworth stars as Thor, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, Jaimie Alexander as Lady Sif, Chris Pratt as Star Lord, Dave Bautista as Drax, Karen Gillen as Nebula and Christian Bale as Gorr, God Butcher. The film hits theaters on May 6, 2022.

CONTINUE READING: Thor 4: Love and Thunder – All actors and characters confirmed for the MCU sequel

Source: Twitter

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